Ticket #2749: untitled-part.html

File untitled-part.html, 3.0 KB (added by blood.pressure.alert@…, 4 years ago)

Added by email2trac

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7   <h3><strong><a href="http://www.magaza.info/from-left/6c05D2s385gpY8617HGg10451Kjlv21f3J19BxbGgIxwftDvvsxEsvZ6DNN1rc6wkihUM">Are your meds part of America's deadly new health crisis?</a></strong></h3> 
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9   <br /> Dear tickets,
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11   <p>I'll make this short and sweet. If you've ever had high blood pressure, the information in this video could save your life, PLUS a lot of money. And I'm offering both to you today...</p> 
12   <p>FREE. &gt; &gt; <a href="http://www.magaza.info/from-left/6c05D2s385gpY8617HGg10451Kjlv21f3J19BxbGgIxwftDvvsxEsvZ6DNN1rc6wkihUM"> Click here to watch now</a></p> 
13   <p>Why you need to watch right now:<br /> You have a 1-in-3 chance TODAY of a killer heart attack or stroke if you have hypertension, the #1 cause of all that. What's worse, hypertension has no symptoms. So you're already on borrowed time.</p> 
14   <p>If you're taking hypertension drugs, I'm sorry to say you only traded one problem for another: the risk of lethal side effects. Worse still, the drug companies don't care. If you're like the average American spending $1400 or more a year on prescription drugs, your illness makes Big Pharma rich. They consider your life an acceptable loss.</p> 
15   <p>The truth is hard to hear, but freeing yourself is simpler than you think.</p> 
16   <p>&gt; &gt; <a href="http://www.magaza.info/from-left/6c05D2s385gpY8617HGg10451Kjlv21f3J19BxbGgIxwftDvvsxEsvZ6DNN1rc6wkihUM">Get better heart health today while you can</a></p> 
17   <p>Your life is NOT an acceptable loss. Neither is $1400 a year. Save that money. Big Pharma has robbed you long enough.</p> 
18   <p>To your health and freedom,<br /> <b>Dr. Ben</b></p> 
19   <p>P.S. I don't know how long this video will be available. The drug companies hate that we're making it available to you. <a href="http://www.magaza.info/from-left/6c05D2s385gpY8617HGg10451Kjlv21f3J19BxbGgIxwftDvvsxEsvZ6DNN1rc6wkihUM">Click here to watch now</a></p> 
20   <p><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1"><a href="http://www.magaza.info/ad96qK23I85ez8V613o1i0452_21f3j19SxbGgIxwftDvvsxEsvZ5RDF1c6y@yihJ/get-that"><font color="#666666">Update Preferences</font></a><br /> 427 N Tatnall St., Suite 73055, Wilmington, DE., 19801-2230</font></p> 
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32    <a href="http://www.magaza.info/from-left/3786z2Ju385uj89C12E10453n21f3H19CxbGgIxwftDvvsxEsvZ5EGC1c5eUOih" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="http://www.magaza.info/then-six/31e6gq23v85GV7aX17D10W4h5DL4mt21f3W19ixbGgIxwftDvvsxEsvZ6SOt1sc6Nl@ijh" /></a>
33   </center> <img src="http://www.magaza.info/dc74Q2385OY8A512F10455I21f3v19lxbGgIxwftDvvsxEsvZ5wo1vc6C0MihA/ten-home" alt=""/>
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