Ticket #3031: untitled-part.html

File untitled-part.html, 4.3 KB (added by stansberry_research@…, 3 years ago)

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10   <h3><strong><a href="http://www.monopolyjuego.com/Petersburg-integrating/ef46H2h39L5zSg8612h1f3few42feJ19KxbGgIxwftDvvsxEsvZ8NRLneoKQ6qPF1P06wliAAh">This is what a Socialist president will do</a></strong></h3> 
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14      <td> <p style="text-align: center; "><span style="font-size: 18pt; "><strong><span data-sheets-userformat="{&quot; 2&quot; :14849,&quot; 3&quot; :[null,0],&quot; 12&quot; :0,&quot; 14&quot; :[null,2,0],&quot; 15&quot; :&quot; Arial&quot; ,&quot; 16&quot; :10}" data-sheets-value="{&quot; 1&quot; :2,&quot; 2&quot; :&quot; Forget Russia  Heres How Trump Goes Down &quot; }">Forget Russia - Here's How Trump Goes Down </span></strong></span></p> <p>Dear Reader,</p> 
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18          <td><a href="http://www.monopolyjuego.com/Petersburg-integrating/ef46H2h39L5zSg8612h1f3few42feJ19KxbGgIxwftDvvsxEsvZ8NRLneoKQ6qPF1P06wliAAh"><img alt="" class="alignright wp-image-286" height="auto" src="http://www.monopolyjuego.com/5576l239Vm5Xyq7a12E1f401l42few19qxbGgIxwftDvvsxEsvZ8VRLneoKQ5R1tv06M2yiAh/effortless-Blenheim" width="350" /></a></td> 
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21       </table> <p>He's a successful businessman who never held public office before winning the Presidency...</p> <p>He's coming into power after an electoral college landslide...</p> <p>And he did it by beating an out-of-touch New Yorker opponent.</p> <p>Once in office, he launches a vast trade war, promising to stand up for America's heartland, with 890 increased tariffs in total.</p> <p>He even slashes immigration levels to America by 90%, while cracking down on illegal immigration through deportations targeting as many as 1.8 million people.</p> <p>You may think I'm talking about Donald Trump.</p> <p>But I'm actually describing Herbert Hoover, Americas 31<sup>st</sup> President.</p> <p>The similarities between Trump and the man who saw a Great Depression happen under his watch are eerie.</p> <p><a href="http://www.monopolyjuego.com/Petersburg-integrating/ef46H2h39L5zSg8612h1f3few42feJ19KxbGgIxwftDvvsxEsvZ8NRLneoKQ6qPF1P06wliAAh"><strong>And they won't stop here</strong></a>.</p> <p>Over the last six months, my firm and I have spent hundreds of hours (and tens of thousands of dollars) in research to reach one shocking conclusion.</p> <p>My research shows...</p> <p>President Trump is about to face a crisis on the level of what President Hoover saw in 1929.</p> <p>But it's not the kind of crisis anyone expects.</p> <p>And just like with Herbert Hoover - <a href="http://www.monopolyjuego.com/Petersburg-integrating/ef46H2h39L5zSg8612h1f3few42feJ19KxbGgIxwftDvvsxEsvZ8NRLneoKQ6qPF1P06wliAAh"><strong>the crisis could shut Republicans out of the White House for a generation or longer</strong></a>.</p> <p><a href="http://www.monopolyjuego.com/Petersburg-integrating/ef46H2h39L5zSg8612h1f3few42feJ19KxbGgIxwftDvvsxEsvZ8NRLneoKQ6qPF1P06wliAAh"><strong>This presentation reveals exactly why</strong></a>.</p> <p>Sincerely,</p> <p>Brett Aitken<br /> Managing Director, Stansberry Research</p> </td> 
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27    <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1"><a href="http://www.monopolyjuego.com/f2f5h23U95kHY8612n1f3ffr42feB19VxbGgIxwftDvvsxEsvZ8jRLneoKQ7b1CLx0x5D3Uih/Petersburg-integrating"><font color="#666666">Update Preferences</font></a><br /> 23638 W. Lyons Avenue #468 - Newhall, CA 91321</font>
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40    <a href="http://www.monopolyjuego.com/distracting-pacifies/7b04D2395DP89s12k1f400z42fez19MxbGgIxwftDvvsxEsvZ8cRLneoKQ7FFBI10w6JpihyA" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="http://www.monopolyjuego.com/15b6L23q9w5mPp7a17L1fv4J02VIAF42feK19GxbGgIxwftDvvsxEsvZ8WRLneoKQ7S1X0NnL5b3iBh/distracting-pacifies" /></a>
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