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7 | <div style="font-size:17px;font-family:arial;width:500px;padding:15px;text-align:left;border:2px solid #EA3467;">Hey,<br /> |
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11 | When we first started keto, we found it difficult to find good <b style="color:#FF0000;">recipes</b> and would often spend hours searching online.<br /> |
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13 | <a href="http://cryptoleap.co/ML-7p_cwAqHCT1FiF9B9vb9E4TiuiQDUKnLkxlBc1O0oVSjvxg" http:="" microsoft.com="" rel="sponsored" style="text-decoration:none;color:#000000;" target="blank"><b>This <mark><b>Cook Book</b></mark> is a compilation of all our <span style="background-color:#BCCEDC;padding:2px;font-weight:bold;">favorite recipes we’ve come across so far.</span></b></a><br /> |
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15 | <b>Hope you enjoy them!</b><br /> |
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36 | <span style="color:#FFFFFF;">stant Commissioner of Police, Suraj Chauhan (Govinda) is an honest and diligent police officer. These qualities in him are instilled in him due to the presence of corrupt politicians and police officers like the Home Minister Bhavani Shankar (Shakti Kapoor), Suraj's Deputy Inspector General (Kiran Kumar). Suraj has a brother (Arun Govil), who is a crime reporter for the Indian Times. Home Minister Bhavani Shankar goes to a function held by an adoption center for orphan girls. There he encounters a pretty girl and instantly feels infatuated with her. He asks the DIG to ask the Mayor's wife to bring her to him since the Mayor's wife is the owner of the adoption center. At first, the Mayor's wife resists and says no, but when the DIG threatens to tell the truth about her past endeavours about dealing with prostitutes to her husband, she agrees. That night, when the Mayor's wife brings the girl to Bhavani Shankar, little does he know that |
37 | Arun is on an assignment for his newspaper. Arun discovers and records a video of Bhavani Shankar raping the same girl from the adoption center. The next night, Arun goes to see the Mayor only to show him the misdeed that Home Minister Bhavani Shankar has committed. Filled with anger and disgust, the Mayor and Arun head to the police department to have Home Minister Bhavani Shankar arrested for this. But unfortunately, the Mayor's wife overhears them and informs the DIG about this. On the way to the police station, Arun and the Mayor are blocked and then ruthlessly killed by Chakku Pande (Puneet Issar), a special hired goon of Bhavani Shankar. Suraj is enraged and aggrieved at the loss of his brother and swears to avenge his death. As Suraj finally starts coming more in contact with Bhavani Shankar, he realizes his bad character and that Bhavani Shankar is the one behind his brother's killing. After that, Suraj goes to Chakku Pande to get him to confess the killing he did ac |
38 | cording to the order given by Bhavani Shankar. But Chakku Pande denies it and thus is beaten up by Suraj. Chakku Pande gets sent to jail by Suraj until he decides to confess to his crime. Then one night, Bhavani Shankar hires a few goons to have Chakku Pande killed. But Chakku Pande survives due to Suraj and the police and claims he will protest against Bhavani Shan</span><br /> |
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