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104<span style="color:#ffffff;">ducted in the amphitheatre, including Proven&ccedil;al-style bullfights (courses camarguaises) in which the bull is not killed, but rather a team of athletic men attempt to remove a tassle from the bull&#39;s horn without getting injured. Every Easter and on the first weekend of September, during the feria, Arles also holds Spanish-style corridas (in which the bulls are killed) with an encierro (bull-running in the streets) preceding each fight. Parts of the films Ronin, At Eternity&#39;s Gate and Taxi 3 were filmed in Arles.[citation needed] European Capital of Culture Arles played a major role in Marseille-Provence 2013, the year-long series of cultural events held in the region after it was designated the European Capital of Culture for 2013. The city hosted a segment of the opening ceremony with a pyrotechnical performance by Groupe F on the banks of the Rh&ocirc;ne. It also unveiled the new wing of the Mus&eacute;e D&eacute;partemental Arles Antique
105 as part of Marseille-Provence 2013. Economy Arles&#39;s open-air street market is a major market in the region. It takes place on Saturday and Wednesday mornings. Transport The Gare d&#39;Arles railway station offers connections to Avignon, N&icirc;mes, Marseille, Paris, Bordeaux and several regional destinations. Arles does not have its own commercial airport, but is served by a number of airports in the region, most notably the major international airport of Marseille Provence approximately an hour&#39;s drive away. The A54 autoroute toll motorway, which locally connects Salon-de-Provence with N&icirc;mes and in a wider sense forms part of European route E80, passes by Arles. The Rh&ocirc;ne, which for navigation purposes is classifi</span><br />
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