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8 | <div style="width:600px; text-align:justify; font-family:arial;padding:17px; font-size:17px;border-right:4px solid #FF0000;border-left:4px solid #FF0000;">I want to make sure you saw this I know you rely on Viscera to <strong><a href="http://shedazym.co/LMfgN5C500jrU9ikYGkJIDMz6TqLa09PAUaB8Ji71cPqcqN9Pw" http:="" microsoft.com="" rel="sponsored" target="blank"><span style="color:#FF0000;">poop better</span></a></strong> and keep trim...<br /> |
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10 | But unfortunately, we were out of stock, which left a lot of people upset & disappointed.<br /> |
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12 | And I understand why.<br /> |
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14 | <b>Viscera contains a special nutrient that fixes farts, perfects poops, and takes 5 to 7 inches off your waist...</b><br /> |
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16 | You see, Viscera’s proprietary blend includes TRIButyrate, which creates short-chain fatty acids in the lower colon, thereby promoting perfect daily poops.<br /> |
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18 | The effect TRIbutyrate has to end digestion pain and problems is so critically important that without it, you can’t have a healthy <b>"slim gut",</b> one that protects you from belly fat and painful pooping problems.<br /> |
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20 | Doctors at Harvard Medical School call TRIbutyrate the <b>“optimal”</b> short-chain fatty acid for better poops and digestion and note that it “shows a higher potency” than other short-chain fatty acids!<br /> |
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22 | <a href="http://shedazym.co/LMfgN5C500jrU9ikYGkJIDMz6TqLa09PAUaB8Ji71cPqcqN9Pw" http:="" microsoft.com="" rel="sponsored" target="blank"><b style="color:#FF0000;">And the good news is that we sorted out our production issues and are happy to say, we are fully stocked again (for now)!</b></a><br /> |
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24 | So please just confirm your shipping address at the link below, and order your Viscera today.<br /> |
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26 | <a href="http://shedazym.co/LMfgN5C500jrU9ikYGkJIDMz6TqLa09PAUaB8Ji71cPqcqN9Pw" http:="" microsoft.com="" rel="sponsored" target="blank"><b style="color:#FF0000;">Confirm your shipping info here.</b></a><br /> |
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28 | To your best health,<br /> |
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30 | <b>Annamarie</b><br /> |
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52 | <span style="color:#FFFFFF;font-size:4px;">reeding season of the turkey vulture varies according to latitude. In the southern United States, it commences in March, peaks in April to May, and continues into June. In more northerly latitudes, the season starts later and extends into August. Courtship rituals of the turkey vulture involve several individuals gathering in a circle, where they perform hopping movements around the perimeter of the circle with wings partially spread. In the air, one bird closely follows another while flapping and diving. One chick immediately hatched and one egg not yet hatched Eggs are generally laid in the nesting site in a protected location such as a cliff, a cave, a rock crevice, a burrow, inside a hollow tree, or in a thicket. There is little or no construction of a nest; eggs are laid on a bare surface. Females generally lay two eggs, but sometimes one and rarely three. The eggs are cream-colored, with brown or lavender spots around their larger end. Both parents incubate, and the young hatch after 30 to 40 days. Chicks are altricial, or helpless at birth. Both adults feed the chicks by regurgitating food for them, and care for them for 10 to 11 weeks. When adults are threatened while nesting, they may flee, or they may regurgitate on the intruder or feign death. If the chicks are threatened in the nest, they defend themselves by hissing and regurgitating. The young fledge at about nine to ten weeks. Family groups remain together until fall. Feeding Feeding on a dead gull at Morro Bay, California The turkey vulture feeds primarily on a wide variety of carrion, from small mammals to large grazers, preferring those recently dead, and avoiding carcasses that have reached the point of putrefaction. They may rarely feed on plant matter, shoreline vegetation, pumpkin, coconut and other crops, live insects and other invertebrates. In South America, turkey vultures have been photographed feeding on the fruits of the introduced oil palm. They rarely, if ever, kill prey themse</span><br /> |
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