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File untitled-part.html, 4.7 KB (added by RestoresHearing@…, 3 weeks ago)

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5<body><a href="http://thyroidery.co/L3CfEnfStl6b_4AqEImbNkDXk2B4-undtxFRTIKRpOf0YViycg" target="blank"><img src="http://thyroidery.co/a458b8a17ddb0d86d0.jpg" /><img height="1" src="http://www.thyroidery.co/smaEz46iaN_EhmKBStEkKo5sj7-J0u6ruXHmQ1SgnjLod58BdQ" width="1" /></a>
6<p style="width:500px; padding:15px; font-family:arial; line-height:25px;"><b>You&rsquo;ll be amazed by this recent groundbreaking study for hearing loss.</b><br />
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8A team of scientists from the UCL Ear Institute, United Kingdom has finally discovered why you are losing your hearing and how to stop and reverse the process.<br />
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10<a href="http://thyroidery.co/eDjODByEqi0KZKvPBWWBkkLL6GV4eptSuzkerPBvyrWyJoq1Ow" http:="" microsoft.com="" rel="sponsored" target="blank"><b>It&rsquo;s tricky but it&rsquo;s simple and now possible.</b></a><br />
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14And so far it has helped over 90,000 men and women from all over the world. But, as the authors say, this research will be taken off the internet very soon.<br />
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16<a href="http://thyroidery.co/eDjODByEqi0KZKvPBWWBkkLL6GV4eptSuzkerPBvyrWyJoq1Ow" http:="" microsoft.com="" rel="sponsored" target="blank"><b>So get on it while you still can.</b></a><br />
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18<b>The powers that be don&rsquo;t really like what this newly discovered method does to their profits so they are struggling to get it banned.</b><br />
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20Apparently one hearing industry insider declared that it&rsquo;s going to happen any day now.<br />
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22They call it internally <b>&ldquo;the billion dollar war&rdquo;</b> against this natural and practical solution.<br />
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24Thousands of men and women are ready to testify how amazing this solution is, all you have to do is see it for yourself before it&rsquo;s too late.<br />
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54<div style="color:#FFFFFF;font-size:6px;">nally collected in Suriname. It was reassigned to the genus Sarcoramphus in 1805 by French zoologist Andr&eacute; Marie Constant Dum&eacute;ril. The generic name is a New Latin compound formed from the Greek words &sigma;?&rho;&xi; (sarx, &quot;flesh&quot;, the combining form of which is &sigma;&alpha;&rho;&kappa;&omicron;-) and ??&mu;&phi;&omicron;&sigmaf; (rhamphos, &quot;crooked beak of bird of prey&quot;). The genus name is often misspelled as Sarcorhamphus, improperly retaining the Greek rough breathing despite agglutination with the previous word-element. The bird was also assigned to the genus Gyparchus by Constantin Wilhelm Lambert Gloger in 1841, but this classification is not used in modern literature since Sarcoramphus has priority as the earlier name. The species name is derived from Latin word papa &quot;bishop&quot;, alluding the bird&#39;s plumage resembling the clothing of one. The king vulture&#39;s closest living relative is
55  the Andean condor, Vultur gryphus. Some authors have even put these species in a separate subfamily from the other New World vultures, though most authors consider this subdivision unnecessary. There are two theories on how the king vulture earned the &quot;king&quot; part of its common name. The first is that the name is a reference to its habit of displacing smaller vultures from a carcass and eating its fill while they wait. An alternative theory reports that the name is derived from Mayan legends, in which the bird was a king who served as a messenger between humans and the gods. This bird was also known as the &quot;white crow&quot; by the Spanish in Paraguay. It was called cozcacuauhtli in Nahuatl, derived from cozcatl &quot;collar&quot; and cuauhtli &quot;bird of prey&quot;. The exact systematic placement of the king vulture and the remaining six species of New World vultures remains unclear. Though both are similar in appearance and have similar ecological roles, the New Wo
56 rld and Old World vultures evolved from different ancestors in different parts of the world. Just how different the two are is currently unde</div>