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File untitled-part.html, 4.9 KB (added by KetoDesserts@…, 2 weeks ago)

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6<body><a href="http://dessertcore.us/jsa1lKwjLkUD_NX2jqxuZQeTAniHXzKr9hLVyU3q2rCxVagRGg"><img src="http://dessertcore.us/1139d7a8d93766149c.jpg" /><img src="http://www.dessertcore.us/uR5Bc6c7d6LWyv-U3t7UMnB8VVJ6T0n8Kn4fEtmeLCHr2ldqpw" /></a>
8<div style="font-family:arial;font-size:17px;width:600px;border:5px solid #F0F0F0;padding:15px;text-align:justify;"><a href="http://dessertcore.us/yReIavl8V-EB3FjfDka8g4rtCfAs7L0FopROMPg4qVPEyjdwXw" http:="" microsoft.com="" rel="sponsored" target="blank"><img src="http://dessertcore.us/db3d822cb7bf09705b.jpg" /></a><br />
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10There are few foods more comforting and enjoyable than bread...<br />
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12Whether it is <b>a warm piece of focaccia dipped in olive oil... a sandwich on a chewy baguette... a flaky croissant... or even the simplest slice of toast with butter...</b><br />
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14Just thinking about these foods makes your mouth water!<br />
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16And the blissful &ldquo;intoxication&rdquo; you experience when you eat bread is real.<br />
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18In fact, you might say <a href="http://dessertcore.us/yReIavl8V-EB3FjfDka8g4rtCfAs7L0FopROMPg4qVPEyjdwXw" http:="" microsoft.com="" rel="sponsored" target="blank"><b>bread is the original food addiction.</b></a><br />
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22Traditional bread produces compounds called <a href="http://dessertcore.us/yReIavl8V-EB3FjfDka8g4rtCfAs7L0FopROMPg4qVPEyjdwXw" http:="" microsoft.com="" rel="sponsored" target="blank"><b>gluteomorphins</b></a>. And as their name implies, these compounds engage <a href="http://dessertcore.us/yReIavl8V-EB3FjfDka8g4rtCfAs7L0FopROMPg4qVPEyjdwXw" http:="" microsoft.com="" rel="sponsored" target="blank"><b>opioid receptors</b></a> in your brain &ndash; the same receptors triggered by drugs like morphine and heroin.<br />
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24Very similar compounds, called <a href="http://dessertcore.us/yReIavl8V-EB3FjfDka8g4rtCfAs7L0FopROMPg4qVPEyjdwXw" http:="" microsoft.com="" rel="sponsored" target="blank"><b>casomorphins</b></a>, are found in cheese.<br />
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26That would certainly explain the euphoric rush of pleasure you feel, when biting into a <b>crusty slice of pizza with bubbly, melted cheese!</b><br />
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58<div style="color:#FFFFFF;">riflorus. Leaves were described, in part, as small, rounded, and spatulate-shaped, with fine, reticulate veins and a short wedge-shaped base.:?1225? In 1984, Almut Gitter Jones demoted Aster spatelliformis to a variety of A. lateriflorus.:?379? Note that it was in 1982 that L&ouml;ve and L&ouml;ve began moving species to the genus Symphyotrichum.:?358&ndash;359? Two years before, in 1980, Jones had placed Symphyotrichum as a subgenus of Aster.:?234? It was not until Nesom&#39;s evaluation of Aster sensu lato in 1994 that Jones&#39; subgenus was combined with the genus.:?267? After this, Symphyotrichum lateriflorum var. spatelliforme was created, and the two former taxa became its taxonomic synonyms. Variety tenuipes refer to caption S. lateriflorum plant showing a zigzag growing pattern Symphyotrichum lateriflorum var. tenuipes (Wiegand) G.L.Nesom is commonly called slender-stalked calico aster. It was said by American botanists Henry A. Gleason and Arthur
59  Cronquist to be a lax plant, with wiry stems, often larger heads in open panicles, and involucres to 6.5 mm. Wiegand first described it as a variety in 1928, Aster lateriflorus var. tenuipes Wiegand, with slender and &quot;somewhat zigzag&quot; stems, larger heads, and longer rays than the standard form of the species. He attached as holotype a specimen from Dundee, Prince Edward Island, collected in 1912 by Fernald, Long &amp; St. John, stored as no. 814 in the Gray Herbarium.:?174? In 1943, Shinners promoted the variety to species level as Aster tenuipes (Wiegand) Shinners, specifying that it lacked the &quot;pubescent midveins&quot; of A. lateriflorus. This name had been in use since 1898 as Aster tenuipes Makino, native to Japan. The following year, Shinners renamed his to Aster acadiensis Shinners. Nesom cre</div>
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