Ticket #69: patch.patch
File patch.patch, 40.4 KB (added by coke, 13 years ago) |
Property changes on: . ___________________________________________________________________ Name: svn:ignore - *.patch *.tmp *.vcproj* *.sln *.ncb *.suo CFLAGS MANIFEST.configure.generated Makefile TAGS all_cstring.str blib config_lib.pasm install_config.fpmc libparrot.def libparrot.dll miniparrot myconfig parrot parrot_config parrot_config.c parrot_config.pbc parrot.ilk parrot.pdb parrot.pc parrot_test_run.tar.gz pbc_disassemble pbc_info pbc_merge pdump smoke.html tags temp.file test test.c test.cco test.err test.ilk test.ldo test.o test.out test.pdb vc60.pdb vc70.pdb vtable.dump installable* *.exe *.core *.pdb *.ilk *.def *.lib *.obj *.exp *.manifest parrot.iss cover_db pbc_to_exe pbc_to_exe.* perl6 .parrot_current_rev .git parrot_debugger + *.patch *.tmp *.vcproj* *.sln *.ncb *.suo CFLAGS MANIFEST.configure.generated Makefile TAGS all_cstring.str blib config_lib.pasm install_config.fpmc libparrot.def libparrot.dll miniparrot myconfig parrot parrot_config parrot_config.c parrot_config.pbc parrot.ilk parrot.pdb parrot.pc parrot_test_run.tar.gz pbc_disassemble pbc_info pbc_merge pdump tags temp.file test test.c test.cco test.err test.ilk test.ldo test.o test.out test.pdb vc60.pdb vc70.pdb vtable.dump installable* *.exe *.core *.pdb *.ilk *.def *.lib *.obj *.exp *.manifest parrot.iss cover_db pbc_to_exe pbc_to_exe.* perl6 .parrot_current_rev .git parrot_debugger
165 165 166 166 =back 167 167 168 =head1 Misc.169 170 =over 4171 172 =item 'make smoke' [post 0.8.2]173 174 The functionality currently provided by "make smoke" will be changing to175 be an alias for "make smolder_test". We're moving towards smolder as our176 single point of online test reporting, and will keep the make target to177 simplify the switch for anyone currently smoking parrot. See RT #49276.178 179 =back180 181 168 =cut -
24 24 C<make languages-test> runs the test suite for most language implementations 25 25 in the languages directory. 26 26 27 =head2 Submitting smo ketest results27 =head2 Submitting smolder test results 28 28 29 Parrot has a status page with smoke test results 30 L<http://smoke.parrotcode.org/smoke/>. You can supply new tests 31 results by just running C<make smoke>. It will run the same tests as 32 C<make test> would, but will additionally create a HTML table with the test 33 results. At the end, it will try to upload the test results to the 34 smoke server. 29 Parrot has a status page with smoke test results at 30 L<http://smolder.plusthree.com/app/public_projects/details/8>. 35 31 36 It is also possible to run a smoke test on JIT. For that, try running 37 C<make smokej>. 32 You can supply new tests results by just running C<make smoke>. 33 It will run the same tests as C<make test> would, but will upload 34 the test results to the website. 38 35 39 C<make languages-smoke> does smoke testing for most language implementations40 in the languages directory.41 42 36 =head1 Location of the test files 43 37 44 38 The parrot test files, the F<*.t> files, can be found in the F<t> directory. -
1 #! perl2 3 # Copyright (C) 2005-2007, The Perl Foundation.4 # $Id$5 6 use strict;7 use warnings;8 9 use Getopt::Long;10 use LWP::UserAgent;11 12 use constant VERSION => 0.4;13 sub debug;14 15 our $compress = sub { return };16 17 GetOptions(18 "smokeserv=s" => \( my $smokeserv = "http://smoke.parrotcode.org/smoke/" ),19 "help" => \&usage,20 "compress|c!" => \( my $compression_wanted = 1 ),21 "version" => sub { print "smokeserv-client.pl v" . VERSION . "\n"; exit },22 ) or usage();23 @ARGV == 1 or usage();24 25 debug "smokeserv-client v" . VERSION . " started.\n";26 27 setup_compression() if $compression_wanted;28 29 my %request = ( upload => 1, version => VERSION, smokes => [] );30 31 {32 my $file = shift @ARGV;33 debug "Reading smoke \"$file\" to upload... ";34 35 open my $fh, "<", $file or die "Couldn't open \"$file\" for reading: $!\n";36 local $/;37 my $smoke = <$fh>;38 39 unless ( $smoke =~ /^<!DOCTYPE html/ ) {40 debug "doesn't look like a smoke; aborting.\n";41 exit 1;42 }43 44 $request{smoke} = $compress->($smoke) || $smoke;45 debug "ok.\n";46 }47 48 {49 debug "Sending data to smokeserver \"$smokeserv\"... ";50 my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;51 $ua->agent( "parrot-smokeserv-client/" . VERSION );52 $ua->env_proxy;53 54 my $resp = $ua->post( $smokeserv => \%request );55 if ( $resp->is_success ) {56 if ( $resp->content =~ /^ok/ ) {57 debug "success!\n";58 exit 0;59 }60 else {61 debug "error: " . $resp->content . "\n";62 exit 1;63 }64 }65 else {66 debug "error: " . $resp->status_line . "\n";67 exit 1;68 }69 }70 71 sub usage {72 print STDERR <<USAGE; exit }73 Usage: $0 [options] -- smoke1.html smoke2.html ...74 75 Available options:76 --smokeserv=http://path/to/smokeserv.pl77 Sets the path to the smoke server.78 --version79 Outputs the version of this program and exits.80 --help81 Show this help.82 83 Options may be abbreviated to uniqueness.84 USAGE85 86 # Nice debugging output.87 {88 my $fresh;89 90 sub debug {91 my $msg = shift;92 93 print STDERR "* " and $fresh++ unless $fresh;94 print STDERR $msg;95 $fresh = 0 if substr( $msg, -1 ) eq "\n";96 1;97 }98 }99 100 sub setup_compression {101 eval { require Compress::Bzip2; debug "Bzip2 compression on\n" }102 and return $compress = sub { Compress::Bzip2::memBzip(shift) };103 eval { require Compress::Zlib; debug "Gzip compression on\n" }104 and $compress = sub { Compress::Zlib::memGzip(shift) };105 }106 107 # Local Variables:108 # mode: cperl109 # cperl-indent-level: 4110 # fill-column: 100111 # End:112 # vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4: -
1 =head1 NAME2 3 smokeserv - Parrot Smoke Reports Server4 5 =head1 DESCRIPTION6 7 C<smokeserv-client.pl> is a Perl 5 program which submits smokes as generated by8 the C<smoke-*> make targets (C<smoke>, C<smoke-perl5>, C<smoke-js>) to a public9 smokeserver.10 11 C<smokeserv-server.pl> is the smokeserver which accepts the smokes submitted12 by C<smokeserv-client.pl>.13 14 =head1 USAGE15 16 =head2 Client17 18 Using the client is easy. In the first place, you have to generate a19 C<smoke.html>. You can achieve this by running C<make>:20 21 $ make smoke # or22 $ make smoke-js # or23 $ make smoke-perl5 # or24 $ make smoke-pir25 26 Then you can upload the resulting smoke:27 28 $ ./tools/util/smokeserv-client.pl ./smoke.html29 30 You don't need to be careful to only submit a smoke only once, etc. -- the31 smokeserver takes care of this.32 33 =head2 Server34 35 Setting up a server is easy, too, all you have to do is to install several CPAN36 modules (C<CGI>, C<CGI::Carp>, C<Fcntl>, C<Storable>, C<HTML::Template>,37 C<Algorithm::TokenBucket>, C<Time::Piece>, C<Time::Seconds>, C<Compress::Zlib>,38 and C<Compress::Bzip2>) and change the constants at the top of39 C<smokeserv-server.pl>.40 41 =head1 LICENSE42 43 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under44 the same terms as Perl itself. See L<perlgpl> and L<perlartistic> for details.45 46 =cut -
1 #! perl2 # Copyright (C) 2005-2008, The Perl Foundation.3 # $Id$4 use strict;5 use warnings;6 7 use CGI;8 use CGI::Carp qw<fatalsToBrowser>;9 use Fcntl qw<:DEFAULT :flock>;10 use Storable qw<store_fd fd_retrieve freeze>;11 use Digest::MD5 qw<md5_hex>;12 use HTML::Template;13 use Algorithm::TokenBucket;14 use Time::Piece;15 use Time::Seconds;16 17 require_compression_modules();18 19 use constant {20 VERSION => 0.4,21 MAX_SIZE => 2**20 * 3.0, # MiB limit22 BASEDIR => "/tmp/parrot_smokes/",23 BASEHTTPDIR => "/",24 BUCKET => "bucket.dat",25 MAX_RATE => 1 / 30, # Allow a new smoke all 30s26 BURST => 5, # Set max burst to 527 MAX_SMOKES_OF_SAME_CATEGORY => 5,28 };29 $CGI::POST_MAX = MAX_SIZE;30 chdir BASEDIR or die "Couldn't chdir into \"@{[ BASEDIR ]}\": $!\n";31 32 $SIG{PIPE} = "IGNORE";33 34 my $t = do { local $/; <DATA> };35 36 my $CGI = new CGI;37 38 if ( $CGI->url( -path => 1 ) =~ /html$/ ) {39 print $CGI->header;40 my $file = $CGI->url( -absolute => 1, -path => 1 );41 my $basehttpdir = BASEHTTPDIR;42 $file =~ s!^$basehttpdir!!;43 die "Invalid File"44 if $file =~ m!/|\.\.!;45 if ( -e BASEDIR . "/" . $file ) {46 open my $f, "<", BASEDIR . "/" . $file or die $!;47 print do { local $/; <$f> };48 }49 }50 else {51 if ( $CGI->param("upload") ) {52 eval { process_upload($CGI) };53 }54 else {55 eval { process_list($CGI) };56 }57 }58 59 exit;60 61 sub process_upload {62 my $CGI = shift;63 64 print $CGI->header;65 66 limit_rate();67 validate_params($CGI);68 add_smoke($CGI);69 clean_obsolete_smokes();70 71 print "ok";72 }73 74 sub validate_params {75 my $CGI = shift;76 77 if ( not $CGI->param("version") or $CGI->param("version") != VERSION ) {78 print "Versions do not match!";79 exit;80 }81 82 if ( not $CGI->param("smoke") ) {83 print "No smoke given!";84 exit;85 }86 87 uncompress_smoke($CGI);88 unless ( $CGI->param("smoke") =~ /^<!DOCTYPE html/ ) {89 print "The submitted smoke does not look like a smoke!";90 exit;91 }92 }93 94 sub uncompress_smoke {95 my $CGI = shift;96 $CGI->param( "smoke",97 Compress::Zlib::memGunzip( $CGI->param("smoke") )98 || Compress::Bzip2::memBunzip( $CGI->param("smoke") )99 || $CGI->param("smoke") );100 }101 102 sub require_compression_modules {103 no strict 'refs';104 eval { require Compress::Zlib }105 or *Compress::Zlib::memGunzip = sub { return };106 eval { require Compress::Bzip2 }107 or *Compress::Bzip2::memBunzip = sub { return };108 }109 110 sub add_smoke {111 my $CGI = shift;112 my $html = $CGI->param("smoke");113 114 my $id = md5_hex $html;115 if ( glob "parrot-smoke-*-$id.html" ) {116 print "The submitted smoke was already submitted!";117 exit;118 }119 120 my %smoke;121 $html =~ /revision: (\d+)/ and $smoke{revision} = $1;122 $html =~ /duration: (\d+)/ and $smoke{duration} = $1;123 $html =~ /VERSION: ([\d\.]+)/ and $smoke{VERSION} = $1;124 $html =~ /branch: ([\w\-]+)/ and $smoke{branch} = $1;125 $html =~ /cpuarch: ([\w\d]+)/ and $smoke{cpuarch} = $1;126 $html =~ /osname: ([\w\d]+)/ and $smoke{osname} = $1;127 $html =~ /cc: ([\w\d]+)/ and $smoke{cc} = $1;128 $html =~ /DEVEL: -?(\w+)/ and $smoke{DEVEL} = $1;129 $html =~ /harness_args: (.+)$/m and $smoke{harness_args} = $1;130 $html =~ /build_dir: (.+)$/m and $smoke{build_dir} = $1;131 $html =~132 /summary="(\d+) test cases: (\d+) ok, (\d+) failed, (\d+) todo, (\d+) skipped and (\d+) unexpectedly succeeded"/133 and $smoke{summary} = {134 total => $1,135 ok => $2,136 failed => $3,137 todo => $4,138 skipped => $5,139 unexpect => $6,140 };141 142 if ( grep { not $smoke{$_} } qw<harness_args revision> ) {143 print "The submitted smoke has an invalid format!";144 exit;145 }146 147 $smoke{runcore} = runcore_from_args( $smoke{harness_args} );148 $smoke{revision} ||= 0;149 $smoke{timestamp} = time;150 $smoke{id} = $id;151 my $filename = pack_smoke(%smoke);152 153 open my $fh, ">", $filename154 or die "Couldn't open \"$filename\" for writing: $!\n";155 print $fh $html156 or die "Couldn't write to \"$filename\": $!\n";157 close $fh158 or die "Couldn't close \"$filename\": $!\n";159 }160 161 sub clean_obsolete_smokes {162 my $category = sub {163 return join "-", ( map { $_[0]->{$_} }164 qw<branch cpuarch osname cc runcore harness_args> ),165 $_[0]->{DEVEL} eq "devel" ? "dev" : "release",;166 };167 168 my %cats;169 my @smokes = map { unpack_smoke($_) } glob "parrot-smoke-*.html";170 push @{ $cats{ $category->($_) } }, $_ for @smokes;171 172 $cats{$_} = [173 (174 sort { $b->{revision} <=> $a->{revision} || $b->{timestamp}[0] <=> $a->{timestamp}[0] }175 @{ $cats{$_} }176 )[ 0 .. MAX_SMOKES_OF_SAME_CATEGORY- 1 ]177 ]178 for keys %cats;179 180 my %delete = map { $_->{filename} => 1 } @smokes;181 for ( map { @$_ } values %cats ) {182 next unless $_;183 184 delete $delete{ $_->{filename} };185 }186 187 unlink keys %delete;188 }189 190 sub process_list {191 my $CGI = shift;192 my $tmpl = HTML::Template->new( scalarref => \$t, die_on_bad_params => 0 );193 194 print $CGI->header;195 196 my $category = sub {197 return sprintf "%s / %s runcore on %s-%s-%s",198 $_[0]->{DEVEL} eq "devel" ? "repository snapshot" : "release",199 runcore2human( $_[0]->{runcore} ), $_[0]->{cpuarch}, $_[0]->{osname}, $_[0]->{cc},;200 };201 202 my @smokes = map { unpack_smoke($_) } glob "parrot-smoke-*.html";203 my %branches;204 push @{ $branches{ $_->{branch} }{ $category->($_) } }, $_ for @smokes;205 206 foreach my $branch ( keys %branches ) {207 foreach my $cat ( keys %{ $branches{$branch} } ) {208 $branches{$branch}{$cat} = [209 map {210 { %$_, timestamp => $_->{timestamp}[1] }211 }212 sort {213 $b->{revision} <=> $a->{revision}214 || lc $a->{osname} cmp lc $b->{osname}215 || $b->{timestamp}[0] <=> $a->{timestamp}[0]216 } @{ $branches{$branch}{$cat} }217 ];218 }219 220 $branches{$branch} = [221 map { { catname => $_, smokes => $branches{$branch}{$_}, } }222 sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } keys %{ $branches{$branch} }223 ];224 }225 226 $tmpl->param(227 branches => my $p = [228 map { { name => $_, categories => $branches{$_}, } }229 sort { ( $a eq "trunk" ? -1 : 0 ) || ( $b eq "trunk" ? 1 : 0 ) || ( $a cmp $b ) }230 keys %branches231 ]232 );233 print $tmpl->output;234 }235 236 sub pack_smoke {237 my %smoke = @_;238 239 my $summary = join( "-", map { $smoke{summary}{$_} }240 qw<total ok failed todo skipped unexpect> );241 my $args = unpack( "H*", $smoke{harness_args} );242 243 # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...244 my $str =245 "parrot-smoke-<VERSION>-<DEVEL>-r<revision>-<branch>--<cpuarch>-<osname>-<cc>-<runcore>--<timestamp>-<duration>--$summary--$args--<id>.html";246 247 $str =~ s/<(.+?)>/$smoke{$1}/g;248 249 $str;250 }251 252 sub unpack_smoke {253 my $name = shift;254 255 /^parrot-smoke-([\d\.]+) # 1 VERSION256 -(\w+) # 2 DEVEL257 -r(\d+) # 3 revision258 -([\w\-]+) # 4 branch259 --([\w\d]+) # 5 cpuarch260 -([\w\d]+) # 6 osname261 -([\w\d]+) # 7 cc262 -(\w+) # 8 runcore263 --(\d+) # 9 timestamp264 -(\d+) # 10 duration265 --(\d+) # 11 total266 -(\d+) # 12 ok267 -(\d+) # 13 failed268 -(\d+) # 14 todo269 -(\d+) # 15 skipped270 -(\d+) # 16 unexpected271 --([a-f0-9]+) # 17 harness_args272 --([a-f0-9]+) # 18 id273 .html$/x274 and return {275 VERSION => $1,276 DEVEL => $2,277 revision => $3,278 branch => $4,279 cpuarch => $5,280 osname => $6,281 cc => $7,282 runcore => $8,283 timestamp => [284 $9,285 do {286 my $str = gmtime($9)->strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M %a");287 $str =~ s/ / /g;288 289 # hack, to make the timestamps not break so the290 # smoke reports look good even on 640x480291 $str;292 },293 ],294 duration => sprintf( "%.02f",295 Time::Seconds->new($10)->minutes ) . " min",296 summary => [297 {298 total => $11,299 ok => $12,300 failed => $13,301 todo => $14,302 skipped => $15,303 unexpect => $16,304 }305 ],306 percentage => sprintf( "%.02f", $12 / ( $11 || 1 ) * 100 ),307 harness_args => pack( "H*", $17 ),308 id => $18,309 filename => $name,310 link => BASEHTTPDIR . $name,311 };312 return ();313 }314 315 sub runcore2human {316 my %runcore = (317 goto => "computed goto",318 jit => "JIT",319 cgp => "CGP",320 switch => "switch",321 fast => "fast",322 default => "default",323 );324 325 $runcore{ $_[0] };326 }327 328 sub runcore_from_args {329 local $_ = shift;330 331 /\b-g\b/ and return "goto";332 /\b-j\b/ and return "jit";333 /\b-C\b/ and return "cgp";334 /\b-S\b/ and return "switch";335 /\b-f\b/ and return "fast";336 return "default";337 }338 339 # Rate limiting340 sub limit_rate {341 342 # Open the DB and lock it exclusively. See perldoc -q lock.343 sysopen my $fh, BUCKET, O_RDWR | O_CREAT344 or die "Couldn't open \"@{[ BUCKET ]}\": $!\n";345 flock $fh, LOCK_EX346 or die "Couldn't flock \"@{[ BUCKET ]}\": $!\n";347 348 my $data = eval { fd_retrieve $fh };349 $data ||= [ MAX_RATE, BURST ];350 my $bucket = Algorithm::TokenBucket->new(@$data);351 352 my $exit;353 unless ( $bucket->conform(1) ) {354 print "Rate limiting -- please wait a bit and try again, thanks.";355 $exit++;356 }357 $bucket->count(1);358 359 seek $fh, 0, 0 or die "Couldn't rewind \"@{[ BUCKET ]}\": $!\n";360 truncate $fh, 0 or die "Couldn't truncate \"@{[ BUCKET ]}\": $!\n";361 362 store_fd [ $bucket->state ] => $fh363 or die "Couldn't serialize bucket to \"@{[ BUCKET ]}\": $!\n";364 365 exit if $exit;366 }367 368 # Local Variables:369 # mode: cperl370 # cperl-indent-level: 4371 # fill-column: 100372 # End:373 # vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4:374 375 __DATA__376 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>377 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"378 "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">379 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">380 <head>381 <title>Parrot Smoke Reports</title>382 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />383 384 <style type="text/css">385 body {386 background-color: white;387 margin: 0;388 389 font-family: sans-serif;390 line-height: 1.3em;391 font-size: 95%;392 }393 394 h1, h2 {395 background-color: #313052;396 color: white;397 padding: 10px;398 }399 400 th { text-align: left; }401 .indent0 { padding-top: 30px; border-bottom: 2px solid #313052; }402 .indent1 { padding-top: 10px; border-bottom: 1px solid #313052; }403 .indent2 { padding-left: 40px; }404 .indent3 { padding-left: 80px; padding-bottom: 10px; }405 406 p, dl, pre, table { margin: 15px; }407 dt { font-weight: bold; }408 dd+dt { margin-top: 1em; }409 .leftsep { padding-left: 10px; }410 .num { text-align: right; }411 412 .details { display: none; }413 .expander { color: blue; cursor: pointer; } /* hack? */414 415 .tests_ok { color: #050; }416 .tests_failed { color: #500; }417 .tests_todo { color: #030; }418 .tests_skipped { color: #555; }419 .tests_unexpect { color: #550; }420 </style>421 422 <script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[[423 function toggle_visibility (id) {424 var elem = document.getElementById("details_" + id),425 expander = document.getElementById("expander_" + id);426 if(elem.className == "details") {427 elem.className = ""; /* hack? */428 expander.innerHTML = "«";429 }430 else {431 elem.className = "details";432 expander.innerHTML = "»";433 }434 }435 //]]></script>436 </head>437 438 <body>439 <h1>Parrot Smoke Reports</h1>440 441 <p>442 Here's a list of recently submitted <a443 href="http://www.parrotcode.org/">Parrot</a> smoke reports. These smokes are444 automatically generated and show how various runcores are functioning across445 a variety of platforms. Individual languages targetting parrot (e.g. tcl),446 are also available.447 </p>448 449 <p>450 Submitting your own smoke is easy,451 </p>452 453 <pre class="indent2">$ make smoke454 </pre>455 456 <p>457 should suffice. To test the languages that are shipped with parrot, change458 to the languages directory and issue the same command.459 </p>460 461 <p>462 Note that old smoke reports are automatically deleted, so you may not want463 to link directly to a smoke.464 </p>465 466 <p>467 Note: Timezone is UTC.<br />468 </p>469 470 <table>471 <tmpl_loop name=branches>472 <tr><th colspan="11" class="indent0"><tmpl_var name=name></th></tr>473 <tmpl_loop name=categories>474 <tr><th colspan="12" class="indent1"><tmpl_var name=catname></th></tr>475 <tmpl_loop name=smokes>476 <tr>477 <td class="indent2">Parrot <tmpl_var name=VERSION></td>478 <td>479 <tmpl_if name=revision>480 r<tmpl_var name=revision>481 </tmpl_if>482 </td>483 <td class="leftsep"><tmpl_var name=timestamp></td>484 <td class="leftsep"><tmpl_var name=harness_args></td>485 <td class="leftsep num"><tmpl_var name=duration></td>486 <td class="leftsep num"><tmpl_var name=percentage> % ok</td>487 <tmpl_loop name=summary>488 <td class="leftsep num tests_total"><tmpl_var name=total>:</td>489 <td class="num tests_ok"><tmpl_var name=ok>,</td>490 <td class="num tests_failed"><tmpl_var name=failed>,</td>491 <td class="num tests_todo"><tmpl_var name=todo>,</td>492 <td class="num tests_skipped"><tmpl_var name=skipped>,</td>493 <td class="num tests_unexpect"><tmpl_var name=unexpect></td>494 </tmpl_loop>495 <td><span title="Details" class="expander" onclick="toggle_visibility('<tmpl_var name=id>')" id="expander_<tmpl_var name=id>">»</span></td>496 <td><a style="text-decoration: none" href="<tmpl_var name=link>" title="Full smoke report">»</a></td>497 </tr>498 <tr class="details" id="details_<tmpl_var name=id>">499 <td colspan="12" class="indent3">500 <tmpl_loop name=summary>501 <span class="tests_total"><tmpl_var name=total> test cases</span>:<br />502 <span class="tests_ok"><tmpl_var name=ok> ok</span>,503 <span class="tests_failed"><tmpl_var name=failed> failed</span>,504 <span class="tests_todo"><tmpl_var name=todo> todo</span>,<br />505 <span class="tests_skipped"><tmpl_var name=skipped> skipped</span> and506 <span class="tests_unexpect"><tmpl_var name=unexpect> unexpectedly succeeded</span>507 </tmpl_loop><br />508 <a href="<tmpl_var name=link>" title="Full smoke report">View full smoke report</a>509 </td>510 </tr>511 </tmpl_loop>512 </tmpl_loop>513 </tmpl_loop>514 </table>515 </body>516 </html> -
1 1 # ex: set ro: 2 2 # $Id$ 3 3 # 4 # generated by tools \dev\mk_manifest_and_skip.pl Wed Dec 17 21:37:572008 UT4 # generated by tools/dev/mk_manifest_and_skip.pl Fri Dec 19 03:05:24 2008 UT 5 5 # 6 6 # See tools/dev/install_files.pl for documentation on the 7 7 # format of this file. … … 1555 1555 languages/ecmascript/src/parser/grammar.pg [ecmascript] 1556 1556 languages/ecmascript/t/00-comments.t [ecmascript] 1557 1557 languages/ecmascript/t/01-literals.t [ecmascript] 1558 languages/ecmascript/t/02-operators.t [ecmascript] 1558 1559 languages/ecmascript/t/harness [ecmascript] 1559 1560 languages/forth/MAINTAINER [forth] 1560 1561 languages/forth/config/makefiles/root.in [forth] … … 3780 3781 tools/util/perltidy.conf [] 3781 3782 tools/util/pgegrep [] 3782 3783 tools/util/release.json [] 3783 tools/util/smokeserv-README.pod []3784 tools/util/smokeserv-client.pl []3785 tools/util/smokeserv-server.pl []3786 3784 tools/util/templates.json [] 3787 3785 tools/util/update_copyright.pl [] 3788 3786 xconf/samples/testfoobar [] -
3 3 4 4 =head1 NAME 5 5 6 Parrot::Harness::Smoke - Subroutines used by harness-s kripts to generate smoke reports6 Parrot::Harness::Smoke - Subroutines used by harness-scripts to generate smoke reports 7 7 8 8 =head1 DESCRIPTION 9 9 … … 12 12 13 13 Following subroutines are supported: 14 14 15 generate_html_smoke_report (16 tests => \@tests,17 args => $args,18 file => 'smoke.html',19 );20 21 15 my %env_data = collect_test_environment_data(); 22 16 23 17 send_archive_to_smolder( %env_data ); … … 33 27 use Parrot::Config qw/%PConfig/; 34 28 use base qw( Exporter ); 35 29 our @EXPORT_OK = qw( 36 generate_html_smoke_report37 30 collect_test_environment_data 38 31 send_archive_to_smolder 39 32 ); … … 119 112 return $compiler; 120 113 } 121 114 122 sub generate_html_smoke_report {123 my $argsref = shift;124 my $html_fn = $argsref->{file};125 my @smoke_config_vars = qw(126 osname archname cc build_dir cpuarch revision VERSION optimize DEVEL127 );128 129 eval {130 require Test::TAP::HTMLMatrix;131 require Test::TAP::Model::Visual;132 };133 die "You must have Test::TAP::HTMLMatrix installed.\n\n$@"134 if $@;135 136 {137 no warnings qw/redefine once/;138 *Test::TAP::Model::run_tests = sub {139 my $self = shift;140 141 $self->_init;142 $self->{meat}{start_time} = time();143 144 my %stats;145 146 foreach my $file (@_) {147 my $data;148 print STDERR "- $file\n";149 $data = $self->run_test($file);150 $stats{tests} += $data->{results}{max} || 0;151 $stats{ok} += $data->{results}{ok} || 0;152 }153 154 printf STDERR "%s OK from %s tests (%.2f%% ok)\n\n",155 $stats{ok},156 $stats{tests},157 $stats{ok} / $stats{tests} * 100;158 159 $self->{meat}{end_time} = time();160 };161 162 my $start = time();163 my $model = Test::TAP::Model::Visual->new();164 $model->run_tests( @{ $argsref->{tests} } );165 166 my $end = time();167 168 my $duration = $end - $start;169 170 my $v = Test::TAP::HTMLMatrix->new(171 $model,172 join("\n",173 "duration: $duration",174 "branch: unknown",175 "harness_args: " . (($argsref->{args}) ? $argsref->{args} : "N/A"),176 map { "$_: $PConfig{$_}" } sort @smoke_config_vars),177 );178 179 $v->has_inline_css(1); # no separate css file180 181 open my $HTML, '>', $html_fn;182 print {$HTML} $v->html();183 close $HTML;184 185 print "$html_fn has been generated.\n";186 }187 }188 189 115 1; 190 116 191 117 # Local Variables: -
22 22 Usage 23 23 ); 24 24 use Parrot::Harness::Smoke qw( 25 generate_html_smoke_report26 25 send_archive_to_smolder 27 26 collect_test_environment_data 28 27 ); … … 64 63 @tests = map { glob($_) } (@ARGV ? @ARGV : @default_tests); 65 64 } 66 65 67 if ($longopts->{html}) { 68 generate_html_smoke_report( 66 my $harness; 67 if ($longopts->{archive}) { 68 eval { require TAP::Harness::Archive }; 69 if ($@) { 70 die "\n" . ('-' x 55) . "\nCould not load TAP::Harness::Archive." 71 . "\nPlease install it if you want to create TAP archives.\n" 72 . ('-' x 55) . "\n\n$@\n"; 73 } 74 # for extra_properties we need TAP::Harness::Archive >= .10 75 if ($TAP::Harness::Archive::VERSION < .10) { 76 die "\n" . ('-' x 55) . "\nWe need TAP::Harness::Archive >= .10." 77 . "\nPlease install it if you want to create TAP archives.\n" 78 . ('-' x 55) . "\n"; 79 } 80 81 my %env_data = collect_test_environment_data(); 82 $harness = TAP::Harness::Archive->new( 69 83 { 70 tests => \@tests, 71 args => $args, 72 file => 'smoke.html', 84 verbosity => $ENV{HARNESS_VERBOSE}, 85 archive => 'parrot_test_run.tar.gz', 86 merge => 1, 87 extra_properties => \%env_data, 73 88 } 74 89 ); 75 } else { 76 my $harness; 77 if ($longopts->{archive}) { 78 eval { require TAP::Harness::Archive }; 79 if ($@) { 80 die "\n" . ('-' x 55) . "\nCould not load TAP::Harness::Archive." 81 . "\nPlease install it if you want to create TAP archives.\n" 82 . ('-' x 55) . "\n\n$@\n"; 83 } 84 # for extra_properties we need TAP::Harness::Archive >= .10 85 if ($TAP::Harness::Archive::VERSION < .10) { 86 die "\n" . ('-' x 55) . "\nWe need TAP::Harness::Archive >= .10." 87 . "\nPlease install it if you want to create TAP archives.\n" 88 . ('-' x 55) . "\n"; 89 } 90 $harness->runtests(@tests); 91 send_archive_to_smolder(%env_data) if $longopts->{send_to_smolder}; 90 92 91 my %env_data = collect_test_environment_data(); 92 $harness = TAP::Harness::Archive->new( 93 { 94 verbosity => $ENV{HARNESS_VERBOSE}, 95 archive => 'parrot_test_run.tar.gz', 96 merge => 1, 97 extra_properties => \%env_data, 98 } 99 ); 100 $harness->runtests(@tests); 101 send_archive_to_smolder(%env_data) if $longopts->{send_to_smolder}; 102 93 } else { 94 eval { require TAP::Harness }; 95 if ($@) { 96 Test::Harness::runtests(@tests); 97 exit; 103 98 } else { 104 eval { require TAP::Harness }; 105 if ($@) { 106 Test::Harness::runtests(@tests); 107 exit; 108 } else { 109 $harness = TAP::Harness->new({ 110 verbosity => $ENV{HARNESS_VERBOSE}, 111 merge => 0, 112 jobs => $ENV{TEST_JOBS} || 1, 113 directives => 1, 114 }); 115 } 116 my $results = $harness->runtests(@tests); 117 118 # a non-zero code stops make after test failures (RT #60116) 119 exit ( $results->all_passed() ? 0 : 1 ); 99 $harness = TAP::Harness->new({ 100 verbosity => $ENV{HARNESS_VERBOSE}, 101 merge => 0, 102 jobs => $ENV{TEST_JOBS} || 1, 103 directives => 1, 104 }); 120 105 } 106 my $results = $harness->runtests(@tests); 107 108 # a non-zero code stops make after test failures (RT #60116) 109 exit ( $results->all_passed() ? 0 : 1 ); 121 110 } 122 111 123 112 =head1 NAME … … 194 183 195 184 Invoke parrot with '--gc-debug'. 196 185 197 =item C<--html>198 199 Emit a C<smoke.html> file instead of displaying results.200 201 186 =item C<--code-tests> 202 187 203 188 Run only the file metadata and basic coding standards tests. -
689 689 @echo " examples_tests: Test the example scripts." 690 690 @echo "" 691 691 @echo "Smoke Testing:" 692 @echo " smoke: Run the test suite and send smoke.html to "693 @echo " http:////smoke.parrotcode.org//"694 @echo " smokej: Same as smoke, but with JIT runcore"695 @echo " smokeexec: Same as smoke, but generate first executables"696 @echo " with the exec runcore"697 @echo " smoke-clean: clean up smoke.html"698 692 @echo " smolder_test: Run the test suite and send report to the smolder server" 693 @echo " smoke: Alias for smolder_test" 699 694 @echo "" 700 695 @echo "Benchmarks:" 701 696 @echo " mopsbench: Million operations" … … 724 719 @echo " languages-test: Proxy for target 'test' of languages/Makefile" 725 720 @echo " languages-test-unified: Proxy for target 'test-unified' of languages/Makefile" 726 721 @echo " languages-test-separate: Proxy for target 'test-separate' of languages/Makefile" 727 @echo " languages-smoke: Proxy for target 'smoke' of languages/Makefile"728 722 @echo " languages-clean: Proxy for target 'clean' of languages/Makefile" 729 723 @echo "" 730 724 @echo "Fetch from source repository:" … … 1371 1365 languages-test-separate : 1372 1366 $(MAKE) languages test-separate 1373 1367 1374 languages-smoke :1375 $(MAKE) languages smoke1376 1377 1368 languages-clean : 1378 1369 $(MAKE) languages clean 1379 1370 … … 1465 1456 test : test_prep 1466 1457 $(PERL) t/harness $(EXTRA_TEST_ARGS) 1467 1458 1468 # run the test suite, create a TAP archive and send it off to smolder1469 smolder_test : test_prep1470 $(PERL) t/harness $(EXTRA_TEST_ARGS) --archive --send-to-smolder1471 1472 1459 # "core tests" -- test basic functionality but not ancillaries 1473 1460 coretest : test_prep 1474 1461 $(PERL) t/harness $(EXTRA_TEST_ARGS) --core-tests … … 1608 1595 examples-clean \ 1609 1596 imcc-clean \ 1610 1597 compilers-clean \ 1611 smoke-clean \1612 1598 #INVERSE_CONDITIONED_LINE(win32): cover-clean \ 1613 1599 editor-clean 1614 1600 @TEMP_cg_r@ … … 2269 2255 2270 2256 ############################################################################### 2271 2257 # 2272 # smo ke:2258 # smolder 2273 2259 # 2274 2260 ############################################################################### 2275 2261 2276 smoke : all2277 $(PERL) t/harness --html $(EXTRA_TEST_ARGS)2278 $(PERL) tools/util/smokeserv-client.pl smoke.html2279 2262 2280 smokej : all 2281 $(PERL) t/harness --html $(EXTRA_TEST_ARGS) -j 2282 $(PERL) t ools/util/smokeserv-client.pl smoke.html2263 # run the test suite, create a TAP archive and send it off to smolder 2264 smolder_test : test_prep 2265 $(PERL) t/harness $(EXTRA_TEST_ARGS) --archive --send-to-smolder 2283 2266 2284 smokeexec: all 2285 $(PERL) t/harness --html $(EXTRA_TEST_ARGS) --run-exec $(RUNCORE_TEST_FILES) 2286 $(PERL) tools/util/smokeserv-client.pl smoke.html 2267 smoke : smolder_test 2287 2268 2288 smoke-clean :2289 $(RM_F) smoke.html2290 2291 2269 # 2292 2270 # Local variables: 2293 2271 # mode: makefile -
32 32 @echo "" 33 33 @echo " help: Print this help message." 34 34 @echo "" 35 @echo " smoke: Run the test suite and send smoke.html to "36 @echo " http:////smoke.parrotcode.org//"37 @echo ""38 @echo " smoke-clean: clean up smoke.html"39 @echo ""40 @echo ""41 35 @echo "Following languages are available:" 42 36 @echo " $(LANGUAGES)" 43 37 @echo "A particular language <lang> can be built, tested and cleand up" -
50 50 @echo "" 51 51 @echo " help: Print this help message." 52 52 @echo "" 53 @echo " smoke: Run the unified test suite and send smoke.html to "54 @echo " http:////smoke.parrotcode.org//"55 @echo ""56 @echo " smoke-clean: clean up smoke.html"57 @echo ""58 @echo ""59 53 @echo "Following languages are available:" 60 54 @echo " $(LANGUAGES)" 61 55 @echo "" … … 97 91 Zcode.test 98 92 99 93 100 smoke: all101 $(PERL) t/harness --html102 $(PERL) ../tools/util/smokeserv-client.pl languages_smoke.html103 104 smoke-clean :105 $(RM_F) languages_smoke.html106 107 94 clean: \ 108 95 abc.clean APL.clean \ 109 96 BASIC.clean befunge.clean bf.clean \ … … 122 109 scheme.clean squaak.clean \ 123 110 urm.clean \ 124 111 WMLScript.clean \ 125 Zcode.clean \ 126 smoke-clean 112 Zcode.clean 127 113 128 114 realclean: \ 129 115 abc.realclean APL.realclean \ -
10 10 should be tracked in the respective languages/*/MAINTAINER files, and we 11 11 don't want to repeat ourselves. 12 12 13 For current status of some languages see also14 L<http://smoke.parrotcode.org/smoke/>15 16 13 Languages that work with the unified languages test suite 17 14 will have their test results listed under the smokes marked 18 15 'languages'. -
26 26 27 27 cd languages && make test 28 28 29 =item Smoke testing30 31 make languages-smoke32 33 or34 35 cd languages && make smoke36 37 29 =item Selected languages 38 30 39 31 cd languages && perl t/harness --languages=m4,punie … … 66 58 67 59 68 60 # Step 0: handle command line args 69 my $do_gen_html; # smoke testing70 61 my $languages_list; # select a subset of languages 71 my $result = GetOptions( 'html' => \$do_gen_html, 72 'languages=s' => \$languages_list ); 62 my $result = GetOptions( 'languages=s' => \$languages_list ); 73 63 74 64 # Step 1: find harness files for testable languages 75 65 76 # Various languages are not yet in smoketesting, some will never be.66 # Various languages are not yet in unified testing, some will never be. 77 67 # 78 68 # BASIC No t/harness, two implementations 79 69 # ecmascript No t/harness … … 125 115 126 116 # Step 3: test. 127 117 128 if ( ! $do_gen_html ) { 129 Test::Harness::runtests(@tests); 130 } 131 else { 132 my $html_fn = "languages_smoke.html"; 133 my @smoke_config_vars = qw( 134 osname archname cc build_dir cpuarch revision VERSION optimize DEVEL 135 ); 118 Test::Harness::runtests(@tests); 136 119 137 eval {138 require Test::TAP::HTMLMatrix;139 require Test::TAP::Model::Visual;140 };141 die "You must have Test::TAP::HTMLMatrix installed.\n\n$@"142 if $@;143 144 {145 no warnings qw/redefine once/;146 *Test::TAP::Model::run_tests = sub {147 my $self = shift;148 149 $self->_init;150 $self->{meat}{start_time} = time();151 152 my %stats;153 154 foreach my $file (@_) {155 my $data;156 print STDERR "- $file\n";157 $data = $self->run_test($file);158 $stats{tests} += $data->{results}{max} || 0;159 $stats{ok} += $data->{results}{ok} || 0;160 }161 162 printf STDERR "%s OK from %s tests (%.2f%% ok)\n\n",163 $stats{ok},164 $stats{tests},165 $stats{ok} / $stats{tests} * 100;166 167 $self->{meat}{end_time} = time();168 };169 170 my $start = time();171 my $model = Test::TAP::Model::Visual->new_with_tests(@tests);172 my $end = time();173 174 my $duration = $end - $start;175 my $languages = join( q{ }, @unified_testable_languages );176 my $v = Test::TAP::HTMLMatrix->new(177 $model,178 join("\n",179 "languages: $languages",180 "duration: $duration",181 "branch: unknown",182 "harness_args: languages",183 map { "$_: $PConfig{$_}" } sort @smoke_config_vars),184 );185 186 $v->has_inline_css(1); # no separate css file187 188 open HTML, '>', $html_fn;189 print HTML $v->html();190 close HTML;191 192 print "$html_fn has been generated.\n";193 }194 }195 196 120 # Local Variables: 197 121 # mode: cperl 198 122 # cperl-indent-level: 4