Ticket #806: ErrorLog.txt

File ErrorLog.txt, 1.2 KB (added by MoC, 13 years ago)
1C:\GnuTools\MSYS\home\MoC\parrot-svn>perl t/pmc/os.t
3ok 1 - Test cwd
4ok 2 - Test chdir
5ok 3 - Test mkdir
6ok 4 - Test rm call in a directory
7ok 5 - Test that rm removed the directory
8ok 6 - Test OS.stat
9not ok 7 - Test OS.readdir
10#   Failed test 'Test OS.readdir'
11#   at t/pmc/os.t line 270.
12# Exited with error code: 255
13# Received:
15# Expected:
16# . .. .svn book compiler_faq.pod configuration.pod debug.pod debugger.pod dev embed.pod extend.pod faq.pod gettingstarted.pod glossary.pod imcc intro.pod jit.pod Makefile memory_internals.pod multidispatch.pod native_exec.pod ops optable.pod overview.pod packfile-c.pod parrot.pod parrotbyte.pod parrothist.pod pct pdds pmc pmc.pod pmc2c.pod porting_intro.pod project req resources running.pod stability.pod submissions.pod tests.pod user vtables.pod
18ok 8 - Test OS.rename
19ok 9 # skip lstat not on Win32
20ok 10 - Test rm call in a file
21ok 11 - Test that rm removed file
22ok 12 # skip Symlinks not available under Windows
23ok 13 # skip Symlinks not available under Windows
24ok 14 # skip Hardlinks to files not possible on Windows
25ok 15 # skip Hardlinks to files not possible on Windows
26ok 16 # skip Hardlinks to files not possible on Windows
27# Looks like you failed 1 test of 16.