Custom Query (4241 matches)


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Results (51 - 100 of 4241)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1018 pir compiler must be reentrant new bug normal
#1031 Free()ing of SymReg variables new bug normal
#1040 inplace math on subclasses failing (MMD/vtable) new bug normal
#1044 relies too heavily on perl5 ccflags settings. assigned jkeenan bug normal
#1045 parrot needs a shared library even if configured with --parrot_is_shared=0. new bug normal
#1046 allows sizeof(INTVAL) != sizeof(void *), but parrot requires them to be equal. new bug normal
#1048 [TODO] needs a has_function() function. new bug normal
#1050 [TODO] [C] Use strerror_r instead of strerror new bug normal
#1054 Some documents at are missing data. new bug normal
#1055 t/pmc/complex.t: sinh_of_complex_numbers: some tests fail on Win32 new bug normal
#1071 Intermittent failure with t/pmc/os.t test 9 new bug normal
#1074 Parrot fails to build with gcc when using --optimize on OpenSolaris new bug normal
#1078 Parrot goes into infinite loop when attempting to test exceptions with throws_like() new bug normal
#1084 Bus error when running 'parrot -t something.pbc' on MacOSX new -- bug normal
#1086 [BUG] Test::More doesn't support plan('no_plan') new chromatic bug normal
#1087 Various tests fail on DragonFly/amd64 new -- bug normal
#1088 Multidispatch 'concatenate_str' does not handle LHS undef new -- bug normal
#1108 Subs in "built-in PMC" namespaces are treated as PMC methods new -- bug normal
#1109 MultiSub PMC does not support get_namespace method new -- bug normal
#1112 Subject: Draft Parrot Book chapters no longer available on new bug normal
#1162 Pg NCI Test Makes Unportable Connection new bug normal
#1168 PMC to Float conversion not working as documented new bug normal
#1171 Lexicals and :outer not Thawed Properly from PBC new bug normal
#1173 NCI segfaults with null pcc_params_signature new bug normal
#1176 Configure-time check for whether to use powl() or pow(), since powl() is an optional posix extension new bug normal
#1201 Parrot::Pmc2c::Emitter line # error new bug normal
#1202 build - header file detection w/o perl5 new bug normal
#1204 Implement all TODO comments in t/pmc/parrotio.t new bug normal
#1237 docs/parrotbyte.pod && docs/pdds/pdd13_bytecode.pod are either incorrect/unclear new bug normal
#1243 Parrot::Test with --run-exec assumes "." is in $PATH new bug normal
#1246 Extra libraries on CC build command new bug normal
#1253 [BUG] hash iterator interface changed, needs errata or deprecation notice new bug normal
#1254 Update PIR Book with new (post 1.4.0) HashIteratorKey Syntax and Semantics new bug normal
#1275 failure with eq_num op in t/op/comp.t with g++ 4.4.1 --optimized build new mikehh bug normal
#1286 method overload in pir subclass of pmc pccmethod leaves object undefined new bug normal
#1288 Limit the required interface for PMCs new bug normal
#1292 Correct destruction of PackFile objects new bug normal
#1302 PIR todo() is frequently misused new bug normal
#1306 Various failures on bogus string used as argname (1.7) new -- bug normal
#1308 NQPrx does not vivify globals in all cases new pmichaud bug normal
#1309 perl finds icu but doesn't set it up new -- bug normal
#1340 Parrot may end up calling dlclose() twice with the same handle, ref. t/pmc/threads.t test 14 new -- bug normal
#1342 [RFC] make a test_core.pir that tests which are part of coretest use, instead of test_more.pir new bug normal
#1379 Port Perl 5 built-in times() to PIR new cotto bug normal
#1390 Configure doesn't check for a 'curses' lib in the readline test new -- bug normal
#1422 t/perl/Parrot_IO.t: 'not modified_since' test failing on some Win32 and Cygwin new bug normal
#1424 Parrot will not parse PIR missing newline at EOF new plobsing bug normal
#1471 doesn't use color coding. new bug normal
#1475 [Pmc2c] make METHOD and MULTI consistent in terms of how PCC is done new bug normal
#1480 Preprocessing using parrot -E fails new -- bug normal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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