Custom Query (4254 matches)


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Results (2901 - 2950 of 4254)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#277 revive examples/c/test_main new whiteknight bug minor
#3437 Revolutionary New Integrated-Sheath Technology KNIFE new normal 2.11
#3405 Revolutionize your way of listening to music and communicating on phone today. new normal 2.11
#4122 Rewards for You: $500 Capital One Gold Gift Card new normal 2.11
#4138 Rewards for You: $500 Capital One Gold Gift Card new normal 2.11
#1486 rewrite examples/ to use hierarchical namespaces instead of flat ::-style new bug normal
#1089 rewrite tests for resizableintegerarray as PIR, plus add new tests new -- patch minor
#3812 Re: Your Pandemic Response Survey Participation new normal 2.11
#5792 Re: Your Pandemic Response Survey Participation new normal 2.11
#1864 [RFC] Change coding standard to avoid 2 space outdent. new jkeenan RFC normal 2.11
#1921 RFC: decorate all functions in src/platform.c with PARROT_EXPORT new cotto RFC normal
#905 [RFC] Deprecate Eval PMC new RFC normal
#903 [RFC] Deprecate Keys at all. new RFC normal 2.6
#1342 [RFC] make a test_core.pir that tests which are part of coretest use, instead of test_more.pir new bug normal
#1359 [RFC] Merge freeze/thaw with PBC new plobsing RFC normal
#1524 [RFC] model and implementation of lvalue semantics new feature normal 2.6
#1188 [RFC] Modify build directories to more closely match the install directories new RFC normal
#1867 RFC: optional fakecutable preamble new RFC normal 2.11
#1352 [RFC]: Realtime garbage collector for RTEMS new RFC normal
#411 RFC: Remove or fix SDL new bug normal
#707 [RFC] StringHandle interface assigned NotFound RFC normal
#1644 [RFC] Text format serializer for PASM/PIR constants new RFC normal
#1421 [RFC] zero length FxA behaviour new plobsing RFC normal
#1192 [RFE] Redesign Parrot NCI callback functionality new feature normal
#2604 Rid your addiction now. Search for rehab centers here new normal 2.11
#2656 Rid your-addiction now! Search-Here. / new normal 2.11
#3251 Rid your laundry machine of mold for free new normal 2.11
#3574 Rid your laundry machine of mold for free new normal 2.11
#5456 Rid your laundry machine of mold for free new normal 2.11
#2997 Ringing Ears? Eat THIS for Breakfast & Destroy Tinnitus Fast... new normal 2.11
#4932 Rioters Set to Target THESE States Next? new normal 2.11
#2564 RISK-FREE TRIAL: Regrow Thicker, Fuller Hair With This CLINICALLY PROVEN Solution TODAY! new normal 2.11
#370 Rounding Inf and NaN new Paul C. Anagnostopoulos bug normal
#4664 Rub This Yellow Powder On Your Toes To Get Rid Of Fungus new normal 2.11
#1485 runtime/parrot/library/SDL/*.pir bitrot new bug normal
#5855 Rush my Air Protect Pro! new normal 2.11
#2474 Russia has begun dumping U.S. dollars new normal 2.11
#2481 Russia has begun dumping U.S. dollars new normal 2.11
#2488 Russia has begun dumping U.S. dollars new normal 2.11
#2494 Russia has begun dumping U.S. dollars new normal 2.11
#2524 Russia has begun dumping U.S. dollars new normal 2.11
#2789 Russian Beauties for Love and More new normal 2.11
#4961 Russian Weight Loss Method STUNS U.S.A new normal 2.11
#3199 Russia Reveals Greatest Discovery in Modern Medicine new normal 2.11
#3201 Russia Reveals Greatest Discovery in Modern Medicine new normal 2.11
#3278 Russia Reveals Greatest Discovery in Modern Medicine new normal 2.11
#3720 Russia Reveals Greatest Discovery in Modern Medicine new normal 2.11
#3735 Russia Reveals Greatest Discovery in Modern Medicine new normal 2.11
#3834 Russia Reveals Greatest Discovery in Modern Medicine new normal 2.11
#4182 Russia Reveals Greatest Discovery in Modern Medicine new normal 2.11
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