Custom Query (4241 matches)


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Results (301 - 350 of 4241)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#707 [RFC] StringHandle interface assigned NotFound RFC normal
#774 deprecate PMC multiple inheritance new cotto RFC normal
#777 .HLL should not case-mangle its arg new -- RFC major
#903 [RFC] Deprecate Keys at all. new RFC normal 2.6
#905 [RFC] Deprecate Eval PMC new RFC normal
#1033 no args checking for a sub without params new RFC normal
#1156 add_sub should append to a MultSub new RFC normal
#1165 need ability to dispatch to parent's method or vtable from PIR new allison RFC normal
#1188 [RFC] Modify build directories to more closely match the install directories new RFC normal
#1190 Replace .globalconst/.const directives by .const/.localconst (respectively) new RFC normal
#1196 'parrot foo' automatically finds and invokes foo.pbc new RFC normal
#1212 .eof returns false if last read call read the last byte of the file, but not beyond new cotto RFC normal
#1339 document all control exception types. new RFC normal
#1352 [RFC]: Realtime garbage collector for RTEMS new RFC normal
#1356 [TODO] add method FixedStringArray.sort() assigned whiteknight RFC normal
#1359 [RFC] Merge freeze/thaw with PBC new plobsing RFC normal
#1416 Unreasonably painful to add a method to all *Array PMCs new RFC normal
#1421 [RFC] zero length FxA behaviour new plobsing RFC normal
#1433 Add a vtable function to get arithmetic mode new RFC normal
#1434 Slim down selection of mathematics vtables new RFC normal
#1448 Modify `throw` opcode to pass through pre-configured resume continuation assigned whiteknight RFC minor
#1468 variadic opcodes make assembly/disassembly difficult new RFC normal
#1470 Create a get_numeric_pmc VTABLE new RFC normal
#1500 API to tell which opcode group an opcode is in new whiteknight RFC major
#1641 iseq does not support the same type of operands as the math operators new -- RFC normal
#1644 [RFC] Text format serializer for PASM/PIR constants new RFC normal
#1645 Request for another overload to 'not' opcode. new -- RFC normal
#1662 Should NameSpace entries be available through a hash-like interface? new RFC normal
#1747 Switch shift and pop for reverse iterators new RFC normal
#1825 How To Utilize The GCC Compile Farm new dukeleto RFC major
#1864 [RFC] Change coding standard to avoid 2 space outdent. new jkeenan RFC normal 2.11
#1867 RFC: optional fakecutable preamble new RFC normal 2.11
#1885 Parrot_load_bytecode should only load bytecode new cotto RFC normal
#1921 RFC: decorate all functions in src/platform.c with PARROT_EXPORT new cotto RFC normal
#2114 getprop op is strange new RFC trivial
#2125 rename parrot.h to internals.h or private.h or equivalent new RFC minor
#2133 src/extend.c Review new whiteknight RFC normal
#2155 Additional README Files in Top-Level Directories new soh_cah_toa RFC minor
#2163 Reconsider IGLOBALS_PBC_LIBS new RFC normal
#2167 Storable format breaks pmc2c when Perl is upgraded new RFC normal
#565 remove optional features from default config, refactor config probes new -- roadmap normal 3.0
#566 export conventions (cross hll) new roadmap normal 2.6
#567 pdd31-hll interop new whiteknight roadmap normal 2.6
#568 hll interop new whiteknight roadmap normal 2.6
#592 Add documentation for parrot_debugger new allison roadmap normal 2.5
#593 standard seed libraries (postgres, opengl, etc) new roadmap normal 2.5
#598 bytecode migration tool new roadmap normal 3.0
#599 bytecode generation from post new bacek roadmap normal 2.6
#600 bytecode testing framework new roadmap normal 3.0
#607 ordered destruction new roadmap major 2.11
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
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