Custom Query (4255 matches)


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Results (3951 - 4000 of 4255)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1696 Pg.pir should supply error messages new todo normal
#1695 Segmentation fault when calling .finish on unopend postgres connection new bug normal
#1693 `make install` doesn't install all files necessary to build Rakudo on Cygwin new -- bug normal
#1692 postgres libraries don't work from foreign HLLs reopened bug normal
#1691 Look into GCC -flto and -fwhole-program link options new experimental normal
#1690 Overriding one signature of a multi-method in a subclass prevents access to the other signatures new bug normal
#1683 Key clone and set_pmc are broken new todo normal
#1664 OS PMC should use stat.pasm equivalent indices for stat buffer new bug normal
#1662 Should NameSpace entries be available through a hash-like interface? new RFC normal
#1657 Make it so that Parrot on RTEMS does not call the system exit() new bubaflub bug normal
#1652 Line numbers in a particular IMCC stack trace are all wrong reopened plobsing bug normal
#1650 Parrot needs Date/DateTime Object new whiteknight todo normal
#1645 Request for another overload to 'not' opcode. new -- RFC normal
#1644 [RFC] Text format serializer for PASM/PIR constants new RFC normal
#1641 iseq does not support the same type of operands as the math operators new -- RFC normal
#1639 StringHandle should be updated to use StringBuilder internally. assigned kthakore todo normal
#1637 experimental library: LWP, HTTP/Message, URI & URI::Escape new experimental normal
#1631 Exception handler throwing exception in NQP-rx causes segfault assigned pmichaud bug normal
#1627 tests for Test::More::done_testing new todo normal
#1618 t/oo/metamodel.t: implement todo-ed item: tail attribute type new todo normal
#1617 t/library/p6object.t: implement todo-ed item: ResizablePMCArray_obj new todo normal
#1615 t/pmc/class.t: implement todo-ed item: classes and methods new todo normal
#1611 t/library/pg.t fails with PostgreSQL 8.4.3 on ubuntu 9.10 new bug normal
#1599 experimental packfiledebug PMC new experimental normal
#1598 Archive::Tar & Archive::Zip in parrot library new experimental normal
#1589 Move . to the end of the library search path new soh_cah_toa bug critical
#1583 loadlib_p_s_p new experimental normal
#1582 NCI_FB_CB and NCI_FB_UD in iglobals new experimental normal
#1581 GC_SYS_NAME option to interpinfo_s_i new experimental normal
#1565 [DEPRECATION] NCI signatures new deprecation normal
#1559 ExtUtils::Command::cp broken [cpan #56666] new -- patch normal
#1557 pbc_disassemble fails on large PBCs new bug normal
#1554 [DEPRECATION] ManagedStruct automatic resize on shape change new deprecation normal
#1553 [DEPRECATION] UnManagedStruct get_integer, set_integer_native new bug normal
#1552 [DEPRECATION] UnManagedStruct initializer structure new bug normal
#1551 [DEPRECATION] UnManagedStruct handling nested structure new deprecation normal
#1548 [DEPRECATION] new_callback_p_p_p_s new deprecation normal
#1546 Env.pmc fails to link dll in Windows VC build, and probably doesn't work new bug normal
#1542 HLLs sometimes leak into loaded modules new whiteknight bug normal
#1532 Dynloadable runcores new feature normal
#1527 Despite pdd15, add_role ignores role attributes new -- bug normal
#1525 improved NCI/FFI new roadmap normal
#1524 [RFC] model and implementation of lvalue semantics new feature normal 2.6
#1523 subroutine leave semantics/exit handlers new roadmap normal 2.5
#1522 sweep-free gc new roadmap normal 2.6
#1520 P6metaclass cannot derive from already-`register`ed PMC type new bug major
#1516 Allow a build directory to be specified to new feature normal
#1515 Duplicate named args cause fatal error in subs new whiteknight bug normal
#1512 NQP-rx generates bad access code for non-twigiled attribute new pmichaud bug normal
#1510 NQP-rx doesn't create PMC for string // expressions assigned pmichaud bug normal
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.