Custom Query (4255 matches)


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Results (3951 - 4000 of 4255)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1921 RFC: decorate all functions in src/platform.c with PARROT_EXPORT new cotto RFC normal
#2114 getprop op is strange new RFC trivial
#2125 rename parrot.h to internals.h or private.h or equivalent new RFC minor
#2133 src/extend.c Review new whiteknight RFC normal
#2155 Additional README Files in Top-Level Directories new soh_cah_toa RFC minor
#2163 Reconsider IGLOBALS_PBC_LIBS new RFC normal
#2167 Storable format breaks pmc2c when Perl is upgraded new RFC normal
#508 JSON libraries should be renamed to something less confusing reopened -- patch normal
#674 [doc] POD escape B<> is not handled in verbatim section new patch normal
#760 readline_interactive method no longer returns PMCNULL on eof new whiteknight patch blocker
#850 Handle loadlib and libraries with '.' in the name new whiteknight patch normal
#1056 inter::progs ought to be smarter about finding linker new patch normal
#1089 rewrite tests for resizableintegerarray as PIR, plus add new tests new -- patch minor
#1559 ExtUtils::Command::cp broken [cpan #56666] new -- patch normal
#1724 Add getprotobyname to Socket PMCs assigned nwellnhof patch normal
#1819 generates broken PMC boilerplate new dukeleto patch normal
#1413 Convert to new particle meta normal
#67 Allow user to specify maximum size of GC allocation on command line new whiteknight feature minor
#659 CONST_STRING in a dynop new feature minor
#1192 [RFE] Redesign Parrot NCI callback functionality new feature normal
#1195 Add cross-compiling support to, such as --target=i386-rtems4.10 new bubaflub feature major
#1290 Produce Single PBC from Multiple PIR Files with -o new feature normal
#1332 change get_string on FPA, RPA (et al?) new feature normal
#1378 Hash or by-string interface to interp object / interpinfo / sysinfo new cotto feature normal
#1381 Parrot-based project skeleton creation script new dukeleto feature normal
#1516 Allow a build directory to be specified to new feature normal
#1524 [RFC] model and implementation of lvalue semantics new feature normal 2.6
#1532 Dynloadable runcores new feature normal
#1799 Allow for rw bffer to be passed by nci 'B' signature. new -- feature normal
#1828 Wanted: A User Tool For Handling Parrot Installations new -- feature normal
#1840 Config step to detect RTEMS new dukeleto feature normal
#1855 Add UINTPTR type into parrot. new feature normal
#1958 Byte order of string encodings new feature normal
#2045 How about generating man pages for downstream packaging? new -- feature normal
#754 cross-HLL export/import is experimental reopened experimental normal
#1581 GC_SYS_NAME option to interpinfo_s_i new experimental normal
#1582 NCI_FB_CB and NCI_FB_UD in iglobals new experimental normal
#1583 loadlib_p_s_p new experimental normal
#1598 Archive::Tar & Archive::Zip in parrot library new experimental normal
#1599 experimental packfiledebug PMC new experimental normal
#1637 experimental library: LWP, HTTP/Message, URI & URI::Escape new experimental normal
#1691 Look into GCC -flto and -fwhole-program link options new experimental normal
#1877 MappedByteArray experimental PMC new experimental normal 2.11
#1996 Function Parrot_ext_try for extenders assigned NotFound experimental normal
#2034 Experimental Select PMC new experimental normal
#2186 Add 6model to Parrot new whiteknight experimental normal
#218 change function of get_addr and set_addr reopened whiteknight deprecation normal
#907 refactor Parrot_mmd_sort_candidates new deprecation normal
#1548 [DEPRECATION] new_callback_p_p_p_s new deprecation normal
#1551 [DEPRECATION] UnManagedStruct handling nested structure new deprecation normal
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