Custom Query (4255 matches)


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Results (4001 - 4050 of 4255)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1192 [RFE] Redesign Parrot NCI callback functionality new feature normal
#1195 Add cross-compiling support to, such as --target=i386-rtems4.10 new bubaflub feature major
#1196 'parrot foo' automatically finds and invokes foo.pbc new RFC normal
#1197 Need some way to copy/rename files from parrot. new todo normal
#1201 Parrot::Pmc2c::Emitter line # error new bug normal
#1202 build - header file detection w/o perl5 new bug normal
#1204 Implement all TODO comments in t/pmc/parrotio.t new bug normal
#1205 Test exporting MMD subroutines in t/pmc/exporter.t new todo normal
#1206 Test more return values in t/pmc/io_iterator.t new todo normal
#1212 .eof returns false if last read call read the last byte of the file, but not beyond new cotto RFC normal
#1223 Parrot_find_name_op() should walk up the scopes new whiteknight todo normal
#1226 Increase code coverage of json new dukeleto todo normal
#1228 src/pmc/integer.c: Implement Complex and BigInt RHS values for the pow() functions new todo normal
#1229 src/pmc/fixedpmcarray.pmc: get_repr() should use freeze/thaw new todo normal
#1233 t/pmc/exporter.t: Refactor namespace getting code once make_namespace() has been implemented new todo normal
#1237 docs/parrotbyte.pod && docs/pdds/pdd13_bytecode.pod are either incorrect/unclear new bug normal
#1238 SDL tests new todo normal
#1239 configuration: define MIN/MAX macros for all integral typedefs new cage normal
#1240 Explicitly clearing to be RO? new todo normal
#1241 implementation of is_docs_link() needs more thought new todo normal
#1242 t/pmc/io_iterator.t: Overhaul tests new todo normal
#1243 Parrot::Test with --run-exec assumes "." is in $PATH new bug normal
#1246 Extra libraries on CC build command new bug normal
#1251 handle ARM mixed-endian doubles new todo normal
#1253 [BUG] hash iterator interface changed, needs errata or deprecation notice new bug normal
#1254 Update PIR Book with new (post 1.4.0) HashIteratorKey Syntax and Semantics new bug normal
#1259 src/debug.c: Correctly handle comparisons of PMCs with constants new todo normal
#1275 failure with eq_num op in t/op/comp.t with g++ 4.4.1 --optimized build new mikehh bug normal
#1282 OS.cwd returns platform specific slashes... assigned Yuki`N todo normal
#1284 Integer PMC missing math methods assigned whiteknight todo normal
#1286 method overload in pir subclass of pmc pccmethod leaves object undefined new bug normal
#1288 Limit the required interface for PMCs new bug normal
#1290 Produce Single PBC from Multiple PIR Files with -o new feature normal
#1292 Correct destruction of PackFile objects new bug normal
#1299 create tests for Config/JSON.pbc new todo normal
#1300 sysinfo_s opcode incomplete new todo minor
#1302 PIR todo() is frequently misused new bug normal
#1306 Various failures on bogus string used as argname (1.7) new -- bug normal
#1308 NQPrx does not vivify globals in all cases new pmichaud bug normal
#1309 perl finds icu but doesn't set it up new -- bug normal
#1316 t/pmc/timer.t: add scheduler features to JIT new todo normal
#1318 ./t/pmc/complex.t: Can SKIP-ped tests be unskipped? new todo normal
#1320 ./t/pmc/multidispatch.t: Can test be un-TODO-ed? new todo normal
#1323 t/compilers/imcc/syn/clash.t: Is test complete? new plobsing todo normal
#1328 announce next release when announcing current release new todo normal
#1332 change get_string on FPA, RPA (et al?) new feature normal
#1339 document all control exception types. new RFC normal
#1340 Parrot may end up calling dlclose() twice with the same handle, ref. t/pmc/threads.t test 14 new -- bug normal
#1342 [RFC] make a test_core.pir that tests which are part of coretest use, instead of test_more.pir new bug normal
#1352 [RFC]: Realtime garbage collector for RTEMS new RFC normal
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