Custom Query (4255 matches)


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Results (4051 - 4100 of 4255)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1356 [TODO] add method FixedStringArray.sort() assigned whiteknight RFC normal
#1359 [RFC] Merge freeze/thaw with PBC new plobsing RFC normal
#1378 Hash or by-string interface to interp object / interpinfo / sysinfo new cotto feature normal
#1379 Port Perl 5 built-in times() to PIR new cotto bug normal
#1381 Parrot-based project skeleton creation script new dukeleto feature normal
#1386 Convert t/pmc/exporter.t to PIR new -- cage minor
#1389 [LHF] Add tests for Plumage's Util.nqp new japhb todo normal
#1390 Configure doesn't check for a 'curses' lib in the readline test new -- bug normal
#1391 [TODO] Generate per-parrot-build GUID/UUID, stored in e.g. interpinfo new todo normal
#1413 Convert to new particle meta normal
#1416 Unreasonably painful to add a method to all *Array PMCs new RFC normal
#1418 t/src/checkdepend.t should verify PIR/PBC dependencies new cotto todo minor
#1421 [RFC] zero length FxA behaviour new plobsing RFC normal
#1422 t/perl/Parrot_IO.t: 'not modified_since' test failing on some Win32 and Cygwin new bug normal
#1424 Parrot will not parse PIR missing newline at EOF new plobsing bug normal
#1433 Add a vtable function to get arithmetic mode new RFC normal
#1434 Slim down selection of mathematics vtables new RFC normal
#1437 pbc_dump: don't skip varargs words in -d mode new todo normal
#1438 pbc_dump: Indicate sub/method boundaries in -d mode new todo normal
#1439 pbc_dump: Mark branch targets in -d mode new todo normal
#1442 Sub PMC should support getattribute new todo normal
#1448 Modify `throw` opcode to pass through pre-configured resume continuation assigned whiteknight RFC minor
#1453 Improve <null> handling in Test::More.pir new cage normal
#1468 variadic opcodes make assembly/disassembly difficult new RFC normal
#1470 Create a get_numeric_pmc VTABLE new RFC normal
#1471 doesn't use color coding. new bug normal
#1475 [Pmc2c] make METHOD and MULTI consistent in terms of how PCC is done new bug normal
#1476 t/compilers/pct/past.t: Complete desired tests new todo normal
#1479 Improve random-ness of Parrot_range_rand new todo normal
#1480 Preprocessing using parrot -E fails new -- bug normal
#1481 P6metaclass.register does not catch second registration of PMC Class new bug normal
#1485 runtime/parrot/library/SDL/*.pir bitrot new bug normal
#1486 rewrite examples/ to use hierarchical namespaces instead of flat ::-style new bug normal
#1487 Object.find_method fails if PIR 'find_method' vtable override returns null new bug normal
#1491 and cause confusion new dukeleto bug normal
#1492 Get_class <namespace> confuses NSes that have same final name. assigned whiteknight bug normal
#1494 factorial example in languages/squaak gives incorrect result new -- bug normal
#1496 Parrot_String-related functions are only available from parrot/parrot.h new bug major
#1500 API to tell which opcode group an opcode is in new whiteknight RFC major
#1510 NQP-rx doesn't create PMC for string // expressions assigned pmichaud bug normal
#1512 NQP-rx generates bad access code for non-twigiled attribute new pmichaud bug normal
#1515 Duplicate named args cause fatal error in subs new whiteknight bug normal
#1516 Allow a build directory to be specified to new feature normal
#1520 P6metaclass cannot derive from already-`register`ed PMC type new bug major
#1525 improved NCI/FFI new roadmap normal
#1527 Despite pdd15, add_role ignores role attributes new -- bug normal
#1532 Dynloadable runcores new feature normal
#1542 HLLs sometimes leak into loaded modules new whiteknight bug normal
#1546 Env.pmc fails to link dll in Windows VC build, and probably doesn't work new bug normal
#1548 [DEPRECATION] new_callback_p_p_p_s new deprecation normal
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.