Breaking: Putin' s " Ultimate Black Swan" could soon be unleashed on U.S. banking system
Dear Reader, Details are beginning to emerge concerning Russia and China carrying out a possible attack on the U.S. banking system. This is a quickly developing story that is now being reported here. With U.S. sanctions and falling oil prices successfully causing both the ruble and Russian economy to collapse, President Putin may soon begin escalating a covert series of " black swan" assaults on select financial institutions. His targets threaten to bankrupt millions of Americans. And sources inside the U.S. intelligence community are concerned that that the total damage could be in the trillions of dollars. The Chinese government has assessed this situation and appears to have decided that the best course of action is to provide aid for Putin' s dangerous plot.
In an urgent video, a senior intelligence insider for the CIA and Pentagon is now going public with the details concerning this frightening situation and the measures people need to take immediately to protect themselves. Click here to continue reading? Stay Safe, Mike Ward Publisher, Money Morning |
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