Dear Valued Candidate,
This letter serves to formally identify you as a biographical candidate for inclusion in our most lauded publication.
Since our first publication over 120 years ago, we have chronicled the lives and accomplishments of distinguished Americans. Today, our publications, along with a robust online database, enables people from around the world to learn about the great contributions made by these notable individuals.
Current world events have forced professionals to shift focus to ensure that their businesses can survive in a world of limited personal interaction.
Online branding is more important now than ever before. Having one’s name listed in our highly-respected database of world-class professionals will serve to greatly enhance the credibility and visibility of your brand during these turbulent times and well after this storm has passed.
Please complete your biographical data form by clicking on the link below. This is the next step toward becoming a featured listee.
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Once we have received your information, we will confirm your acceptance and your biographical details will become accessible via our online database. This means that people from the United States and beyond will be able to learn about you and your praiseworthy endeavors.
You are to be commended for the efforts that have brought your name to our attention. We wish you continued success.
John Sartoris
Editor-in-Chief, Who's Who in America