77, Om Prakash Makhija is a junior film artist in Hindi cinema who is in love with a famous actress named Shanti Priya. He and his friend Pappu Master take on numerous small acting roles as film extras at RC Studios, a major film studio compound owned by producer Mukesh Mehra. One evening, Om attends the premiere of Shanti's film, and envisions himself as the lead actor Manoj Kumar. That night, a drunk Om describes his fantasy of one day winning a Filmfare Award for Best Actor and makes an emotional and inspiring speech on the streets in front of his friends. The next morning, at the shooting of a film, Om rescues Shanti after a fire grows out of control, and they become friends. Om then tries to woo her. One day, at an RC Studios backdrop set, when Om tries to meet Shanti, he ends up overhearing a conversation between her and Mukesh. The pair have been married for two years in secret and Mukesh refuses to reveal this in public. Shanti insists him to ack nowledge her as his wife and reveals that she is pregnant with Mukesh's child, leaving Om heartbroken while Mukesh seems overjoyed. After some days, he takes Shanti at the sets of their upcoming film titled Om Shanti Om. He says that he will cancel the film, reveal their marriage to the public, and have a grand wedding on the set. Om happens to be on the same set in the hopes of meeting Shanti for one last time before she goes on with her life, but seeing her happy with Mukesh, he leaves. However, the very next moment Mukesh reveals his true colors. He confronts Shanti saying that her insistence for revealing their relationship to the public along with the child will destroy his career. He tells her that he has arranged for the set to burn, and lights the set up, leaving a horrified Shanti locked inside. Just when a depressed Om is about to leave the compound, he is shocked to see Mukesh leaving and Shanti desperately crying out for help. He attempts to rescue her, but is attack ed by Mukesh's guards, leaving him severely injured. After the guards leave, he again attempts to rescue Shanti, but he is thrown from the building by its fiery explosion and lands in a nearby street, disoriented. As he assumes Shanti to be dead, he is suddenly hit by a car owned by Rajesh Kapoor, a famous actor taking his pregnant wife Lovely to the hospital as she is in labour. At the hospital, Om remembers his moments with Shanti as he dies, while his soul reincarnates into the newborn Om Kapoor, given birth by Lovely. 30 years later In 2007, Om Kapoor (nicknamed O. K.), is a famous actor and lives the luxurious life dreamt of by Om, but experiences pyrophobia and subconsciously inherits Om's memories. He also bears a birthmark on his wrist similar to the "Om" tattoo which was on Om's wrist. His previous life mother Bela visits every set of O. K.'s films claiming him to be her son and O. K. feels weird seeing her. Soon after his 30th birthday, O. K. and his assistant Anwar drive to the RC Studios compo