ukesh regains consciousness, O. K. confronts him but Mukesh reveals that he knows Sandy is not a ghost after all, surprising O. K. Mukesh then says no one can do him any harm as there is no proof of the murder, but just then Sandy appears, saying she has proof, and confronts Mukesh. She reveals that after the fire ceased to burn, Mukesh found that Shanti had survived and buried her alive below the chandelier. O. K. is confused about how Sandy knows this in detail, since he did not know this himself. Mukesh, spooked by the fact that she knows all this, attempts to shoot Sandy, shocked by the revelation about the murder, but O. K. tries to stop him and they both fight, which results in yet another fire. Just when a furious O. K. is about to kill Mukesh, Sandy stops him, saying Mukesh will die indeed, but not at O. K.'s hands. She looks at the chandelier and it proceeds to fall on him, killing Mukesh instantly. Pappu, Sandy and Anwar rush to join O. K.,
who is shocked to see Sandy in two places at once. Just then he realizes that the person he assumed to be Sandy was actually Shanti's spirit, and recalls instances where supernatural events helped when O. K.'s plans almost did not work, realizing that her spirit was responsible. She smiles warmly towards O. K. and tearfully bids him goodbye, disappearing as she moves into the light. O. K. reunites with San