neet Bajpai (Ajay Devgn), a movie scriptwriter, lives with his Bengali interior-designer wife Munmun (Konkona Sensharma) and their six-year-old son Ayush in a high-rise apartment in Goregaon in Mumbai. Ayush repeatedly hopes for a guest to arrive at their home. The couple's happy life is upended when Lambodar Chacha (Paresh Rawal), a distant uncle of Puneet's, turns up unannounced one morning and slaps the guard, causing a commotion. Lambodar was searching for a son of his late cousin Putani (Puneet's father) and, finding Puneet, refers to him as Pappu—which he is not accustomed to—and proceeds to take over the couple's life by making unreasonable demands, gargling loudly early in the morning, eating heavily and farting loudly. The couple is at their wits' end before long, but Ayush is overjoyed. Lambodar interferes in every aspect of their lives, from forcing the maid to quit her job after she is tired of bein
g ordered around by him (much to Munmun's dismay), to incessantly trying to catch Puneet's attention or calling him when he is not around. Others, however, are impressed by his display of devotion at the local temple, or his apparent ability to cure backaches by kicking the sufferer in their rear. A desperate Puneet, on one occasion, gets himself arrested so that he can complete his script without Lambodar's well-meant interference. One day Puneet brings Lambodar to his film set, built on a grand scale. There Lambodar requests an actor (Viju Khote)—Kaalia of Sholay fame—repeatedly to repeat his famous dialogue from that film (How many men were there? Two), much to the latter's vexation. A distraught Kaalia tries to escape Lambodar and reaches the set of a mansion, which is to be blown up on the count of two. However, an undeterred Lambodar once again asks Kaalia to say his dialogue, and on hearing the word 'two', the bomb operator blows up the man
sion well before time, leading to an irate director firing Puneet By now Puneet, now jobless, and Munmun are desperately hoping for Lambodar to leave, he having stayed for well over two months. They ask a friend acting in a TV serial to fake a relative's death so that Lambodar will depart, but the friend gets arrested instead after Lambodar sees through the hoax. On another occasion the couple has to go to Delhi; Munmun arranges for Lambodar's train tickets and pretends to be tearful when he leaves, but they later discover that Lambodar jumped off the train and returned to their flat. The cou