uthu, Anitha and Lavanya get separated from the others. They reach the ruins of a village and being followed by someone where they are subjected to black magic and nearly go mad and surrender themselves infront of the person who’s been following them. The person following them is revealed to be the Royal Advisor(Raja Guru) who was sent away 800 years ago with the Chola prince and people who are now an ethnic isolated primitive Tamil group, ruled by a Chola king. Muthu, Anitha and Lavanya strip themselves infront of the Royal Advisor who sees a tiger tattooed on Muthu’s back. Next scene shifts to the current Chola king and his people in hiding, living in misery with scarce resources and water awaiting the arrival of the fabled messenger who lead them back to Thanjavur, their motherland. Muthu, Anitha and Lavanya are revived to consciousness by the old Raja Guru other priests and physicians. The king and the priest consult the gods
for omens. It’s shown that one them is a Chola, one is a Pandya and another is a commoner. Seeing the tiger on Muthu’s back the king and Raja Guru try to hypnotise him into revealing himself if he is the messenger. The King disregards Muthu due to his appearance and incoherent blabbering. Then Muthu, Anitha and Lavanya are ordered to be burnt alive as sacrifices. Anitha suddenly pricks herself and does black magic using her blood and makes a king’s drawing by fire. She tells the king that she is the messenger sent from the homeland. All the Chola people become ecstatic. Muthu and Lavanya are enslaved. While preparing to meet the Chola King, Anita recall her ancestry exposing her true identity as a descendant of the Pandya Dynasty. The central minister, who sponsors the expedition and Ravishekaran are also shown to be Pandyas. She tries to seduce and convince the Chola king to march towards the homeland in two days so he can be crowned properly as a king. He suspect
s her as none of her actions matches those described by the king's ancestors’ painting. The ancestors predicted that when the messenger arrives, first he will be beaten up, it will rain and finally, he will console the destitute. Meanwhile, Anitha catches a glimpse of the Pandyas' sacred idol and cries in honor and disbelief. She leaves attempts to kill Raja Guru and cruelly poisons the water sources. Anita hypnotises a Chola girl into passing information to Army officer Ravishekaran, who had escaped the traps and is the sole survivor. Ravishekaran gets back up and a larger army. The Chola king is shattered for having believed in Anitha and discovers that Muthu is the true messenger who would save the Cholas from the evil clutches of Anitha and the army. The Raja Guru gives all of his magical powers, such as invisibility and invulnerability, to Muthu and dies. The Cholas fight bravely but eventually lose to technology. The Chola king and his people are taken as prisone
rs. Their women are molested and raped by the army. The king dies, and the remaining enslaved Cholas drown in the seas with his body. Muthu then breaks free from the shackles, and he saves the only Chola prince, the only son of the King. He is able to escape the army and Anitha using the powers given to him by the late Raja Gur