jeev, who was on phone with her, hears the collision and is reminded of Jhanvi's accident. Daljeet is rushed to the hospital where she battles for her life. Rajeev is in shock and struggles to process this heartbreaking turn of events. Disguised Shakti sneaks into her ward and cuts off her oxygen supply, which causes her critical condition to worsen. When Rajeev learns about this, he rushes to the hospital, hugs her and cries. Just then, Daljeet miraculously opens her eyes and later makes a full recovery, which the doctor claims to be the power of love. The fear of losing Daljeet in the accident makes Rajeev realise that he is in love with her. Daljeet forgives Rajeev after realising that he truly repented his mistake and never meant to break her trust. As Rajeev tries to confess his love to Daljeet and propose her, he is interrupted each time. Meanwhile, Gargi, who took admission in the same college as Rishabh and Barry, confesses to Ris
habh that she loves him. Rishabh realises that he loves her too and confesses his feelings. Shobha arrives and tells everyone to prepare for Laksh and Trishala's wedding. Trishala agrees half-heartedly as she had an earlier argument with Laksh. Meanwhile, a shocking truth about Mamta comes in front of Rajeev and Daljeet that she wants to fulfill her only desire of becoming a mother through IVF with Rajeev as her donor as she wants her child to have all the qualities of Rajeev. Mamta tries to explain Rajeev that IVF is a medical process which does not require physical relation, but he refuses to become her donor. Daljeet initially supports Rajeev but later, being a mother herself, understands Mamta's feelings and tries to convince Rajeev to be Mamta's donor, which annoys him. Meanwhile, Laksh and Trishala get into a major fight due to Laksh's possessive and distrustful nature. Laksh, in his anger and ego, leaves Trishala in the deserted street at midnight where some b
oys catch her and try to rape her but Rajeev rescues her. Everyone else learn of the recent events and become furious at Laksh. Laksh, truly repenting his mistake, begs for apology but Rajeev tells him that he will not let him marry Trishala until he regains her trust. Trishala gets heartbroken due to this but everyone consoles her, while Daljeet tells her that this punishment will make Laksh realise the importance of trust in a relations