Everybody is wondering about Kamala’s backdoor.

How big is it? When will she use it? And does it even exist?

Of course, I’m referring to the theory that...

Kamala will soon become President -- using the “backdoor” of Joe Biden’s death.

She didn’t earn her role as VP…

Instead, according to bestselling survival author Damian Campbell...

She was hand-picked by a dark group of global elites who are quietly working to put her in office.

… the same group that’s been planning for years to take down America and all the conservatives who support it.

Now their plan is finally coming to pass.

And it could put your family in grave danger as soon as the next 2 months.

That’s why Campbell is desperately trying to warn Americans in his recent book, “Rulers of Darkness.”

Inside, he exposes the disgusting plans they have in store for you -- and what you must do now to fight back and WIN.

NOTE FROM AUTHOR: Because of 2 key events in the past 7 weeks, this wicked plot is happening even faster than originally predicted. As a result of that fact, I’ve decided to waive the $39.95 retail price of this book, and rush out a small number of digital copies for FREE.

One small problem…

As of,Campbell is promising Free copies to the next 77 readers who request one.

And this email just went out to all of my other 138,912 subscribers.

So if you want a Free copy, it’s important you click here right now to grab one.



uraj and Deepak live a poor lifestyle in a village along with their widowed father, who has always taught them to be honest. Both re-locate to the city and find employment with the Police Force, while Suraj is a Havaldar and Deepak is a Traffic Constable. Suraj does his job honestly and diligently and is often reprimanded by Inspector Waghmare. Then differences arise between Suraj and Deepak when the later comes to testify in favor of an accused, Narendra Khanna, who was arrested by Suraj for killing a man. Things come to a boil when Soni's husband is brutally murdered in broad daylight, and when officers of both Shaitaan Chowki and Kala Chowki refuse to investigate nor even register this homicide, she decides to take matters into her own hands. Her case is then presented in front of the court. It turns out to be that Narendra Kumar is not a single person but are twins about which the world is unaware. Deepak presents both the twins in front of the court . The judge takes both the twins in judicial custody. After this the problems between the two brothers, i.e. Deepak and Suraj, get resolved. Deepak plans to go to his village with Suraj to surprise their father, he goes out to buy some shawls and is kidnapped by Narendra and his men. They torture him and call Suraj to mock him. As soon as Suraj reaches to Deepak who is heavily injured and Deepak finds a bomb attached to him. Since he doesn't want to get anyone killed Deepak jumps into the waterfall resulting in his death. After this incident all the hawaldars go rogue and start a mutiny. The hawaldars go on a killing spree along with Suraj. A fight starts between Khanna and Suraj. The fight ends with the death of Khanna by the hands of Sura