Powerball, Mega Millions, Super Lotto, Fantasy, you name it...
There are 275,223,510
different combinations that can be drawn...
And yet for the BIGGEST WINS IN U.S. HISTORY...
40% of the time the first number was a variation of 1 (either 1, 10, or 11)...
45% of the time the winning Powerball was 19 (notice how 1 + 9 = 10?)...
50% of the time the winning Powerball was a variation of 7
(see here why 7 is such a common number and how it appears every 2 weeks...) Want to be even more tripped out?
Check out minute 6:10 of this brief video...
You’ll see how the same four numbers show up in 60% of top lottery jackpots...no exceptions!
See the conclusive proof right here.