rmines many of its large-scale properties, such as the density, porosity or permeability. The 3D orientation of the clasts is called the fabric of the rock. The size and form of clasts can be used to determine the velocity and direction of current in the sedimentary environment that moved the clasts from their origin; fine, calcareous mud only settles in quiet water while gravel and larger clasts are moved only by rapidly moving water. The grain size of a rock is usually expressed with the Wentworth scale, though alternative scales are sometimes used. The grain size can be expressed as a diameter or a volume, and is always an average value, since a rock is composed of clasts with different sizes. The statistical distribution of grain sizes is different for different rock types and is described in a property called the sorting of the rock. When all clasts are more or less of the same size, the rock is called 'well-sorted', and when there is a large spread in grain size, the rock is called 'poorly sorted'. Diagram showing the rounding and sphericity of grains The form of the clasts can reflect the origin of the rock. For example, coquina, a rock composed of clasts of broken shells, can only form in energetic water. The form of a clast can be described by using four parameters: Surface texture describes the amount of small-scale relief of the surface of a grain that is too small to influence the general shape. For example, frosted grains, which are covered with small-scale fractures, are characteristic of eolian sandstones. Rounding describes the general smoothness of the shape of a grain. Sphericity describes the degree to which the grain appr