Ticket #1192 (new feature)

Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

[RFE] Redesign Parrot NCI callback functionality

Reported by: japhb Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: none Version: 1.7.0
Severity: medium Keywords: NCI callback
Cc: Language:
Patch status: Platform:


This is a migration of RT #50360; original text follows:

Parrot's NCI callback subsystem design will not work (and cannot be directly extended) for callbacks that do not carry an opaque user data pointer. Many existing callback-based APIs do not fit this description, including certain GUI toolkits such as GLUT.

Allison and others have brainstormed a few possible ideas, but none was fleshed out to the point of being implementable. The following threads on the parrot-porters mailing list covered part of this:

 http://tinyurl.com/3crzpu  http://tinyurl.com/3886qw

Also, I've attached some IRC discussion of this (slightly edited as per participant's request).

Change History

Changed 11 years ago by jkeenan

Is this redesign still under consideration?

Thank you very much.


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