Ticket #1233 (new todo)

Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

t/pmc/exporter.t: Refactor namespace getting code once make_namespace() has been implemented

Reported by: jkeenan Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: testing Version: 1.7.0
Severity: medium Keywords:
Cc: jkeenan Language:
Patch status: Platform:


This ticket moves into the Trac system discussion previously found in the RT system as  RT #46859.

At 4 locations in t/pmc/exporter.t, there are references to the ticket:

51-    # get a NameSpace PMC for testing
52:    # RT #46859 replace with make_namespace, when implemented
53-    .local pmc ns
54-    ns = get_namespace ['Eponymous']
56-    $P0.'source'(ns)
57-    $P1 = $P0.'source'()
83:# RT #46859 replace with make_namespace, when implemented
84-.namespace ['Eponymous']
85-.sub 'Eponymous' :anon
88-ok 1 - source() returns PMCNULL upon Exporter init
109-    # get a NameSpace PMC for testing
110:    # RT #46859 replace with make_namespace, when implemented
111-    .local pmc ns
112-    ns = get_namespace ['Eponymous']
114-    $P0.'destination'(ns)
115-    $P1 = $P0.'destination'()
141:# RT #46859 replace with make_namespace, when implemented
142-.namespace ['Eponymous']
143-.sub 'Eponymous' :anon
146-ok 1 - destination() with no args returns destination namespace

In the original RT, Paul Cochrane commented: Once a make_namespace function/method/thingy is implemented, refactor these tests to use it.

Change History

Changed 11 years ago by jkeenan

  • cc jkeenan added

Does anyone have any idea what make namespace was intended to be?

If not, is there any reason why we should keep this ticket open?

Thank you very much.


Changed 11 years ago by coke

Looking at the code quoted above, I assume it would create an empty namespace, rather than forcing us to run the PIR compiler and use the .namespace directive to accomplish the same task.

opcode is described in "docs/pdds/pdd21_namespaces.pod" but not implemented.

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