Ticket #1438 (new todo)

Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

pbc_dump: Indicate sub/method boundaries in -d mode

Reported by: Austin_Hastings Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: tools Version: 2.0.0
Severity: medium Keywords:
Cc: Language:
Patch status: Platform:


The disassembled output of pbc_dump run with -d is a long string of hex numbers and opcodes. To determine where a sub starts or ends requires a trip to the constants table, where the Sub constants have their starting and ending offsets recorded. Please modify pbc_dump so that when dumping it emits indicators for the beginning/end of subs:

 0000:  000004c8 00000001 00000009 00000001                   get_hll_global_p_pc_sc
 0004:  00000021 00000001                                     capture_lex_p
 0006:  000004c8 00000001 00000009 00000001                   get_hll_global_p_pc_sc
 000a:  00000021 00000001                                     capture_lex_p
 000c:  00000023 00000006                                     set_args_pc
 000e:  00000024 00000003                                     get_results_pc
 0011:  0000001c 00000001                                     invokecc_p
 0013:  00000026 00000003                                     set_returns_pc
 0016:  00000020                                              returncc
 0017:  00000384 00000003 0000000b                            set_p_pc
 001a:  00000385 00000002 00000003                            set_p_p
 001d:  00000009 00000011                                     load_bytecode_sc
 001f:  000001d1 0000001b                                     say_sc
 0021:  000004c4 00000000 00000014                            get_hll_global_p_sc
 0024:  00000023 00000018                                     set_args_pc
 0028:  00000024 00000006                                     get_results_pc
 002a:  000002c4 00000000 0000001a                            callmethodcc_p_sc
 002d:  000004ce 00000001 0000001d 00000014                   get_root_global_p_pc_sc
 0031:  00000023 00000015                                     set_args_pc
 0037:  00000024 00000006                                     get_results_pc
 0039:  000002c4 00000001 0000000f                            callmethodcc_p_sc
 003c:  00000026 00000006                                     set_returns_pc
 003e:  00000020                                              returncc
 003f:  000004c8 00000002 00000025 00000023                   get_hll_global_p_pc_sc
 0043:  00000021 00000002                                     capture_lex_p
 0045:  00000384 00000000 00000039                            set_p_pc
 0048:  00000021 00000000                                     capture_lex_p
 004a:  000004c8 00000002 00000025 00000023                   get_hll_global_p_pc_sc
 004e:  00000021 00000002                                     capture_lex_p
 0050:  00000023 00000006                                     set_args_pc
 0052:  00000024 00000003                                     get_results_pc
 0055:  0000001c 00000002                                     invokecc_p
 0057:  00000026 00000003                                     set_returns_pc
 005a:  00000020                                              returncc

could become:

 ----: Begin sub '_block11' :subid('')
 0000:  000004c8 00000001 00000009 00000001                   get_hll_global_p_pc_sc
 0004:  00000021 00000001                                     capture_lex_p
 0006:  000004c8 00000001 00000009 00000001                   get_hll_global_p_pc_sc
 000a:  00000021 00000001                                     capture_lex_p
 000c:  00000023 00000006                                     set_args_pc
 000e:  00000024 00000003                                     get_results_pc
 0011:  0000001c 00000001                                     invokecc_p
 0013:  00000026 00000003                                     set_returns_pc
 0016:  00000020                                              returncc
 ----: End sub '_block11' :subid('')
 ----: Begin sub '' :subid('post15')
 0017:  00000384 00000003 0000000b                            set_p_pc
 001a:  00000385 00000002 00000003                            set_p_p
 001d:  00000009 00000011                                     load_bytecode_sc
 001f:  000001d1 0000001b                                     say_sc
 0021:  000004c4 00000000 00000014                            get_hll_global_p_sc
 0024:  00000023 00000018                                     set_args_pc
 0028:  00000024 00000006                                     get_results_pc
 002a:  000002c4 00000000 0000001a                            callmethodcc_p_sc
 002d:  000004ce 00000001 0000001d 00000014                   get_root_global_p_pc_sc
 0031:  00000023 00000015                                     set_args_pc
 0037:  00000024 00000006                                     get_results_pc
 0039:  000002c4 00000001 0000000f                            callmethodcc_p_sc
 003c:  00000026 00000006                                     set_returns_pc
 003e:  00000020                                              returncc
 ----: End sub '' :subid('post15')
 ----: Begin sub '_block13' :subid('')
 003f:  000004c8 00000002 00000025 00000023                   get_hll_global_p_pc_sc
 0043:  00000021 00000002                                     capture_lex_p
 0045:  00000384 00000000 00000039                            set_p_pc
 0048:  00000021 00000000                                     capture_lex_p
 004a:  000004c8 00000002 00000025 00000023                   get_hll_global_p_pc_sc
 004e:  00000021 00000002                                     capture_lex_p
 0050:  00000023 00000006                                     set_args_pc
 0052:  00000024 00000003                                     get_results_pc
 0055:  0000001c 00000002                                     invokecc_p
 0057:  00000026 00000003                                     set_returns_pc
 005a:  00000020                                              returncc
 ----: End sub '_block13' :subid('')

Note that a hypothetical future optimizer might arrange the bytecode so that subs are not discrete. Marking beginnings and endings separately should handle this.

Change History

Changed 11 years ago by jkeenan

  • owner set to dukeleto
  • component changed from none to tools

Changed 11 years ago by dukeleto

  • owner changed from dukeleto to jkeenan

Changed 11 years ago by jkeenan

  • owner jkeenan deleted
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