Ticket #1570 (closed bug: fixed)

Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

Out-of-date binaries/packages on Parrot.org

Reported by: Util Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: website Version: 2.4.0
Severity: low Keywords: binaries packages
Cc: Language:
Patch status: Platform:


On  http://parrot.org/download , the some of the packages and/or binaries listed need to be brought up-to-date.

If possible, the release procedure should also be changed to sync (or mark as out-of-date) these items during (or just after) future releases.

For #ps discussion, see  http://irclog.perlgeek.de/parrotsketch/2010-04-13#i_2227715 .

Change History

  Changed 11 years ago by coke

Seems like adding a caveat downloador in the section that links to packaged versions should be sufficient for this page.

in reply to: ↑ description   Changed 11 years ago by jkeenan

Replying to Util:

On  http://parrot.org/download , the some of the packages and/or binaries listed need to be brought up-to-date.


Cleaning the cage today, I came upon this ticket and took a look at  http://parrot.org/download. Apart from the fact that the Cygwin link took me to a Cygwin home page rather than a Parrot-specific page, I didn't see anything that looked really wrong.

Am I missing something? Can you suggest specific modifications?

Thank you very much.


  Changed 11 years ago by cotto

  • status changed from new to closed
  • resolution set to fixed

I added a note that packages aren't guaranteed to be up-to-date to the p.o/download page. I agree with coke that this is enough and am resolving this ticket.

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