Ticket #1932 (new bug)

Opened 11 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

rakudo on parrot RELEASE_2_11_0-656-g27c0799 executes main body twice

Reported by: moritz Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: none Version: 2.11.0
Severity: release Keywords:
Cc: Language:
Patch status: Platform:


$ ./perl6 -e 'say 3'

likewise all test files confuse the test harness.

This didn't happen on RELEASE_2_11_0-478-gd69dbbc for example, and in the mean time rakudo didn't change signficantly.

Change History

  Changed 11 years ago by bacek


My bisect showing commits related to #1704. Unfortunatelly branch (?) was merged without "--no-ff" param and can't be easily reverted.

-- Bacek

  Changed 11 years ago by pmichaud

On Tue, Jan 04, 2011 at 11:14:43AM -0000, Parrot wrote:
> #1932: rakudo on parrot RELEASE_2_11_0-656-g27c0799 executes main body twice
>  {{{
>  $ ./perl6 -e 'say 3'
>  3
>  3
>  }}}
>  likewise all test files confuse the test harness.
>  This didn't happen on RELEASE_2_11_0-478-gd69dbbc for example, and in the
>  mean time rakudo didn't change signficantly.

NQP-rx exhibits a similar (same?) problem with RELEASE_2_11_0-663-g7cc276c -- 
many tests end up running twice and confusing the test harness.

It appears to be the same set of tests that were suffering from the
implicit :main issues discussed in TT #1704, so I suggest that's a likely
starting point for tracking down this problem.


follow-up: ↓ 4   Changed 11 years ago by pmichaud

Part of the problem may be that :load subs are being executed even when being loaded outside of the load_bytecode opcode (which goes against PDD 19).

$ cat x.pir
.sub 'first'
    say 'first'

.sub 'load' :load
    say ':load'

$ ./parrot x.pir

Here we can see that the :load sub is being invoked even when not loaded via load_bytecode.

NQP and Rakudo have to generate :load subs at the end of each module to automatically invoke the module's mainline when the module is loaded via load_bytecode. Since :load subs are now being invoked even for the initial program file or when compiled in memory (which is the province of the :init flag), the mainline gets executed "twice".


in reply to: ↑ 3   Changed 11 years ago by plobsing

Replying to pmichaud: should be remedied at 9dda543

  Changed 11 years ago by jkeenan

As of commit b9e9c3cb8ad4c84853edaa3114bda8456f0783cc, I believe this problem is fixed.


[parrot@W5028539] 516 $ cat ../rakudo/parrot/x.pir
.sub 'first'
    say 'first'

.sub 'load' :load
    say ':load'

[parrot@W5028539] 517 $ ./parrot ../rakudo/parrot/x.pir 


[rakudo@W5028539] 520 $ ./perl6 -e 'say 3'

3. I have both NQP-RX and Rakudo passing their respective make test suites.

moritz/pmichaud: Can you verify and close the ticket? Thank you very much.


  Changed 11 years ago by moritz

This problem is indeed fixed, so the ticket can be closed as soon as there is test coverage in the parrot test suite.

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