Ticket #1976 (closed bug: fixed)

Opened 11 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

manifest-related files still reference Subversion

Reported by: jkeenan Owned by: whiteknight
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: docs Version: 2.11.0
Severity: medium Keywords: newbie
Cc: Language:
Patch status: Platform:


Much of the stock language in lib/Parrot/Manifest.pm still makes reference to Subversion. As a result, many of the comments in files like MANIFEST and MANIFEST.SKIP are misleading.

$ grep -inE '(subversion|svn)' lib/Parrot/Manifest.pm MANIFEST* .gitignore 
lib/Parrot/Manifest.pm:184:# $self->{script} on how to recreate this file after SVN
lib/Parrot/Manifest.pm:311:Gets a list of the files that SVN ignores, and then writes it to the
lib/Parrot/Manifest.pm:411:# Gets a list of files that SVN ignores
lib/Parrot/Manifest.pm:442:# This file should contain a transcript of the svn:ignore properties
lib/Parrot/Manifest.pm:443:# of the directories in the Parrot subversion repository.
lib/Parrot/Manifest.pm:444:# The .gitignore file is a convenience for developers  working with git-svn.
lib/Parrot/Manifest.pm:453:        $print_str .= "# generated from svn:ignore of '$dir/'\n";
lib/Parrot/Manifest.pm:476:# This file should contain a transcript of the svn:ignore properties
lib/Parrot/Manifest.pm:477:# of the directories in the Parrot subversion repository. (Needed for
lib/Parrot/Manifest.pm:478:# distributions or in general when svn is not available).
lib/Parrot/Manifest.pm:479:# See docs/submissions.pod on how to recreate this file after SVN
MANIFEST:9:# tools/dev/mk_manifest_and_skip.pl on how to recreate this file after SVN
MANIFEST.SKIP:5:# This file should contain a transcript of the svn:ignore properties
MANIFEST.SKIP:6:# of the directories in the Parrot subversion repository. (Needed for
MANIFEST.SKIP:7:# distributions or in general when svn is not available).
MANIFEST.SKIP:8:# See docs/submissions.pod on how to recreate this file after SVN

This needs to be fixed.

But let me add a question: If I need to add files to the list of those ignored by git, am I supposed to edit .gitignore directly -- notwithstanding the fact that it (like the MANIFESTs) is supposed to be read-only:

$ head -1 MANIFEST MANIFEST.SKIP .gitignore 
==> MANIFEST <==
# ex: set ro:

# ex: set ro:

==> .gitignore <==
# ex: set ro:

Change History

Changed 11 years ago by cotto

  • keywords newbie added

Changed 11 years ago by cotto

  • status changed from new to closed
  • resolution set to fixed

Now that we're on git full-time, editing .gitignore is fine. It used to be generated from svn properties, but those stopped existing. Also, due to a recent burst of energy on the part of kid51++ and dukeleto++, the only remaining references to svn in the files mentioned in the first post refer to github's svn interface. I'm happy to mark this as fixed.

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