Ticket #2128 (new todo)

Opened 11 years ago

Ability to build NCI thunks with Distutils

Reported by: whiteknight Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: library Version: master
Severity: medium Keywords: nci, distutils
Cc: Language:
Patch status: Platform: all


The ability for external projects to build their own NCI thunk libraries for adding custom signatures to Parrot's NCI is a key step in the roadmap for the NCI system. I'm sure this capability exists. However, I cannot find a way to do it that makes sense to me.

The ability to create new NCI thunks for extension projects should be easy. The process needs to be documented, and we should add the functionality to our current build infrastructure Distutils. By adding it to distutils, all projects which currently rely on that library for building will be able to make use of custom NCI thunks for their projects.

This is becoming a priority to help with GSoC.

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