Ticket #2168 (new deprecation)

Opened 10 years ago

Deprecate .file, .line, setline, and setfile

Reported by: whiteknight Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: imcc Version: master
Severity: medium Keywords:
Cc: Language:
Patch status: Platform:


IMCC supports several syntaxes for setting line number and file name information. Among these are:

.file "foo.pir"
.line 123

And another set:

setfile "foo.pir"
setline 123

The first set are directives using normal directive syntax, but are not used anywhere that I can find in the docs or the test suite. The second set are also directives, even though they are made to look like opcodes. This is confusing. This second set is lightly tested.

I suggest we remove both. .annotate is the method we are using for identifying things like file number and line number information. These other things are mostly-forgotten relics.

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