Ticket #2280 (new)

Opened 7 years ago

To Everyone Who has a Crummy Job

Reported by: Fast Start Affiliate <duke@…> Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone: 2.11
Component: none Version: 3.8.0
Severity: medium Keywords:
Cc: Language:
Patch status: Platform:


TO:  Everyone with a Crummy Job 

Come to think about it, just about every job is crummy. 

You work and slave for someone else and
get a measly paycheck and they get Rich!

That’s why I quit my job and began an Internet Marketing business.

When I started in Internet Marketing years ago I had to figure
it out on my own.  No one wanted to help or show me the way. 
That is, unless I came up with big bucks, which I did not have back then.

Trial and error was my “standard operating procedure”. 
Problem is…that took a long time and was very very expensive
in both time and money.

Big Deal, So What, Why do I care…many of you maybe thinking.

So, I decided to give back to help anyone who wants to start their
own Internet business. 

Everyone should be able to enjoy the freedom and money that my family
and I have been able to experience.

With that in mind, I created a short ,to-the-point, affiliate marketing course
and give it away FREE.

Yes, I said Free with no strings attached.

Just so you know, this exact step-by-step strategy has made me a
lot of money and will help you to make you money too, if you take action.

Many of you won’t take action and I will never hear from you again
and many of you will take action and thank me for changing your lives.

You decide. 

Here’s the link.

 ==>>  http://www.faststartaffiliate.com

To Your Success,



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Changed 7 years ago by duke@…

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Changed 7 years ago by duke@…

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Changed 7 years ago by duke@…

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