Ticket #239 (closed roadmap: done)

Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

parrot user documentation, objects, pmcs, dynops, etc (rescheduled from 0.9.0)

Reported by: particle Owned by: allison
Priority: normal Milestone: 1.0
Component: docs Version:
Severity: medium Keywords: docs
Cc: Language:
Patch status: Platform:


review and write parrot user docs. tell a good intro story.

Change History

Changed 13 years ago by kjs

  • type changed from bug to todo

Changed 13 years ago by allison

  • type changed from todo to roadmap

This is, BTW, not a task for a single person, but a task for a large number of people working together.

Changed 13 years ago by whiteknight

  • keywords docs added
  • component changed from none to docs

Maybe we could start by listing out what files need to be added/expanded/reviewed/edited. Once we have a list of things that need work, we can start checking them off one-by-one.

Changed 13 years ago by quevlar


This is only for breaking ice.

I liked the ofuscated c contest and the perl contest, this could be an obfuscated parrot stories contest :)

Then there's go my story (maybe I've watched to many walt disney's movies).

Once upon a time, there was a little bird, or better,

Once upon a time there was I living creature ,that learned that life is not easy.

That having dreams is harder than she/he could've imagined.

That there is a time to dream, a time to work, a time to wait, in a 1 .. n loop.

That the only thing that is not permitted is to give up.



Changed 13 years ago by quevlar


This is a patch for the former message:

Is only one word mistake, sorry.

The full text is at the bottom of this text



-Text Hi,

This is only for breaking ice.

I liked the ofuscated c contest and the perl contest, this could be an obfuscated parrot stories contest :)

Then there's go my story (maybe I've watched to many walt disney's movies).

Once upon a time, there was a little bird, or better,

Once upon a time there was a living creature ,that learned that life is not easy.

That having dreams is harder than she/he could've imagined.

That there is a time to dream, a time to work, a time to wait, in a 1 .. n loop.

That the only thing that is not permitted is to give up.



Changed 13 years ago by quevlar


Another mistake. I typed "-Text" like a separator first line and appears in same line.



Changed 13 years ago by kjs

  • milestone changed from 0.9.1 to 1.0

Changed 13 years ago by allison

  • status changed from new to closed
  • resolution set to done

Extensive documentation review and revision completed for 1.0. There will, of course, be further documentation changes in the future, but this ticket is done.

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