Ticket #2727 (new)

Opened 5 years ago

Attn: Somebody might have-run a background-search on you: View-results.

Reported by: PublicRecords <publicrecords@…> Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone: 2.11
Component: none Version: 3.8.0
Severity: medium Keywords:
Cc: Language:
Patch status: Platform:


April 17th, 2017. 
Skgh-d73 Background-Alert Services. 
Dear tickets@parrot.org,

Do you know how easily someone can access your background-report simply
by searching your information-online?

With a simple-search, they can access Arrest-Records/Criminal-History,
Marriage Records, Bankruptcies and alot more. 

Any negative-entries could even keep you from getting a new job. 

Go here to find-out more about this background-search: http://www.onlinesearchreportupdates.top/e216r23m8*5tv8P611QQt3r14tc3r19OxbGgIxwftDvvsxEsvZ5YNqxv/candies-scoffs

You can. quit future backgroundads-by going-here:

 2. 8. 8. 5. Sanford. Avenue. 
SouthWest No. 4O442. 
ZIP: #494l8. 

If you're job hunting, you expect hiring managers to check your resume.  But you shouldn't be surprised if potential employers delve into another aspect of your personal life — your financial history — and turn you down if they don't like what they see  That's why job seekers should know their rights when companies start to scrutinize their 948285 reports and be ready to deal with unflattering information that could sink an application.  According to a 2012 survey by the Society of Human Resource Management, nearly half of employers conduct 238226 checks as part of background hiring investigations.  To be sure, 799132 history is not the be-all and end-all of hiring.  In fact, according to the survey, nearly all of the organizations that conduct 922580 background checks reported hiring a job candidate whose 824716 report contained information that "reflected negatively on his or her financial situation. " The survey also found that 170465 checks are typically used at the end of the hiring process, with 91% being conducted "after a contingent job offer or job interview" and just 2% initiated before an interview occurs.  Two of every three employers say they gave candidates an opportunity to explain their 582541 histories before making a hiring decision.  Nonetheless, 542130 checks remain a component of hiring, especially for positions with significant financial responsibilities.  According to the Society of Human Resource Management, your 359219 is most likely to be checked if you're seeking: A job that involves handling cash, banking or accounting.  A position that provides access to confidential employee information.  A senior executive role that carries lots of decision-making responsibility. 
977782 checks as a barrier to employment Despite these specific circumstances, 371688 background checks remain a potentially substantial barrier to employment.  According to a 2012 survey by the New York research group Demos, 1 in 4 unemployed Americans said a potential employer requested their 408709 report during the application process, and 1 in 10 said they were not hired because of information in their 962259 history.  It's not clear why employers do this, Demos points out, because "there is no proven link between personal 820585 reports and criminal behavior or performance of a specific job. " Its research quotes a spokesperson for TransUnion who said in 2010: "We don't have any research to show any statistical correlation between what's in somebody's 824784 report and their job performance or their likelihood to commit fraud. " That's why many states have been pushing back on the practice.  According to ClearPoint 208274 Counseling Solutions and other sources, 11 states (California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, Oregon, Vermont and Washington) have passed legislation restricting the use of 308431 checks in making hiring decisions.  Efforts were afoot in several major cities to do the same.  In April 2015, for instance, the New York City Council overwhelmingly voted to outlaw the use of "an individual's consumer 358243 history in making employment decisions. "

Some exceptions were written into the law, including the use of 111246 checks for jobs that entail financial agreements valued at $10,000 or more, or positions involving trade secrets, but supporters of the legislation were nonetheless pleased with its contents.  "With this law, NYC is removing an unjustified and discriminatory barrier to jobs, which disproportionally harms New Yorkers of color," wrote the New Economy Project, an advocacy organization that helped spearhead the passage of this legislation.  "The new law not only represents an important civil rights victory but is also the strongest law of its kind in the country . . .  using 686779 information to make hiring and firing decisions leads to racial exclusion, unjustly blocks employment opportunity and raises major privacy concerns.  Plus, 691798 reports are notoriously riddled with errors. " If you have bad 637393 and are looking for a job, consider these ways to minimize the impact it could have on your employment prospects: 1.  Know your rights.  Employers must tell you if 653873 histories will be used to evaluate job candidates and get written permission to pull your reports.  While you have every right to reject that request, the company can use that refusal to reject your application. 

And by the way, section 525(b) of the U. S.  Bankruptcy Code prohibits employers from refusing to hire someone because he or she is bankrupt.  2.  Know your history.  You're entitled to one free 221508 report per year from each of the major 006924-reporting agencies.  So before you start the job search, visit Annual816683Report. com and request your Experian, Equifax and TransUnion files.  Read them thoroughly and correct any errors before those 040188 histories get in the hands of a potential employer.  Errors do occur.  According to a 2012 study by the Federal Trade Commission, 1 in 5 American consumers found an error that negatively impacted their 703834 history on a 983293 report from one of three major 120678-reporting companies.  3.  Get it in writing.  If an employer is disinclined to hire you because of something in your 971200 history, he or she must provide a copy of the report and a "Summary of Rights" that explains how to contact the company that provided the report.  You are also entitled to a notice that explains your right to dispute the "accuracy or completeness of any information in your report. " 4.  Go on the offensive.  If you've encountered recent financial difficulties, consider letting an employer know this before the firm pulls your 559786 report.  For instance, if you've been a victim of identity theft or your spouse recently lost a job, be up front about this and explain how you're working to repair any damage that was done.  Employers will most likely admire your honesty and forthrightness. 

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Changed 5 years ago by publicrecords@…

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