Ticket #3656 (new)

Opened 5 months ago

Sending you a free bottle of probiotics (need your address)

Reported by: "FREE Bottle" <FREEBottle@…> Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone: 2.11
Component: none Version: 3.8.0
Severity: medium Keywords:
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Sending you a free bottle of probiotics (need your address)



dertook a fierce or terrible vow (Bhishma pratigya) and fulfilled it. Bhishma was given the name Devavrata (???????) at his birth, meaning one who is devoted to Gods.

As Bhishma was the only surviving son of Ganga, he was given many epithets which mean 'son of Ganga' — Gangaputra (?????????), Gang (???), Gangasuta (???????) and Gangeya. The word Gangadatta (????????) means given by Ganga. Patronymics of Bhishma include Shantanava (???????), Shantanuputra, Shantanusuta and Shantanuja. Bhishma was also referred as:

Gauranga (??????) – the one with fair body
Shvetaveera (????????) – a white warrior or the one who is heroic white and has all weapons in white colour
Ashta Vasu (???? ???) – elemental gods (in a previous life)
Bharatavanshi (???????) - a descendant of Bharata
Pitamaha (??????)- Grandfather (also known as Bhishma Pitamaha; called by Pandavas and Kauravas)
Birth and early life

Shantanu stops Ganga from drowning their eighth child, who later was known as Bhishma. Painting by Raja Ravi Varma
Bhishma's birth and youth are mainly narrated in the Adi Parva book of the epic. He was the only surviving son of Shantanu, a king belonging to the lunar dynasty, and his first wife Ganga, a river goddess. It is believed that he was the avatar of a Vasu named Dyu, alias Prabhasa.

According to the legend, Shantanu, the youngest son of the king Pratipa and the king of Kuru kingdom, was on a hunting trip, when he saw a beautiful woman on the banks of the river Ganga. He fell in love with her and asked for her hand in marriage. The lady agreed to his proposal but with one condition that he will never question her actions; and if this condition was broken, she would abandon him. Shantanu accepted it and lived a happy marital life with her. However, when a child was born, the queen used to drown him in the river Ganga. One by one, seven sons were born and drowned, while Shantanu remained silent because of his commitment. When she was about to throw the eighth child into the river, Shantanu, unable to control himself, stopped her and confronted her about her actions. After hearing Shantanu's harsh words, the woman revealed herself to be the goddess Ganga and justified her actions and narrated the following story.

Once the celestial Vasus and their wives were enjoying themselves in the forest when the wife of Dyu spotted an excellent cow and asked her husband to steal it. The cow was Nandini, daughter of the wish-fulfilling cow Surabhi, and was owned by the sage Vashishtha. With the help of his brothers, Dyu tried to steal it but Vashishtha caught them and cursed them to be born as mortals and suffer a miserable life. Upon their pleading, Vashishta showed mercy and told the other seven Vasus that they will be liberated soon after their birth. However, Dyu being the protagonist of the theft was cursed to endure a longer life on the earth. Before the birth of her sons, Ganga was requested to kill the seven children soon after their birth. Hearing this, Shantanu was filled with grief and regrets and Ganga decid

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