Ticket #3685 (new)

Opened 5 months ago

This is timely in the extreme. Do you really want to leave and miss it?

Reported by: "Build Wealth Swiftly" <EndangeredLists@…> Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone: 2.11
Component: none Version: 3.8.0
Severity: medium Keywords:
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This is timely in the extreme. Do you really want to leave and miss it?



nged males, as the chance of conception is low. Resident males may form consortships that last for days, weeks or months after copulation. Homosexual behaviour has been recorded in the context of both affiliative and aggressive interactions.

A mother orangutan with her offspring
Mother orangutan with young
Unlike females of other great ape species, orangutans do not exhibit sexual swellings to signal fertility. The average age in which a female first gives birth is 15 years and they have a six to nine year interbirth interval, the longest among the great apes. Gestation lasts around nine months and infants weigh 1.5–2 kg (3.3–4.4 lb) at birth.:99 Usually only a single infant is born; twins are a rare occurrence. Unlike many other primates, male orangutans do not seem to practice infanticide. This may be because they cannot ensure they will sire a female's next offspring, because she does not immediately begin ovulating again after her infant dies. There is evidence that females with offspring under six years old generally avoid adult males.

Females do most of the caring of the young, while males play no role. A female often has an older offspring with her to help socialise the infant. Infant orangutans completely depend on their mothers for the first two years of their lives. The mother will carry the infant while travelling, and feed it and sleep with it in the same night nest.:100 For the first four months, the infant is carried on its belly and almost never without physical contact. In the following months, the time an infant spends with its mother decreases. When an orangutan reaches the age of one-and-a-half years, its climbing skills improve and it will travel through the canopy holding hands with other orangutans, a behaviour known as "buddy travel". After two years of age, juvenile orangutans will begin to move away from their mothers temporarily. They reach adolescence at six or seven years of age and will socialise with their peers while still having contact with their mothers.:100 Females may nurse their offs
 pring for up to eight years. Typically, orangutans live over 30 years both in the wild and in captivity.:14

Orangutan lying on its back in a nest
An orangutan lying in its nest
Orangutans build nests specialised for either day or night use. These are carefully constructed; young orangutans learn from observing their mother's nest-building behaviour. In fact, nest-building ability is a leading cause for young orangutans to regularly leave their mother. From six months of age onwards, orangutans practice nest-building and gain proficiency by the time they are three years old.

Construction of a night nest is done by following a sequence of steps. Initially, a suitable tree is located. Orangu

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