Ticket #4017 (new)
Opened 4 months ago
RE: Free Anti-Biden Gun Gift for you
Reported by: | "Emergency Power" <EmergencyPower@…> | Owned by: | |
Priority: | normal | Milestone: | 2.11 |
Component: | none | Version: | 3.8.0 |
Severity: | medium | Keywords: | |
Cc: | Language: | ||
Patch status: | Platform: |
RE: Free Anti-Biden Gun Gift for you http://sugarworkz.co/qFDEma112Vd4rCvVEDBEeoPRIf962HlWFN1JjjB8Eu5cAXIc8A http://sugarworkz.co/gIwnMsrYsRYiNtKRnJHSvdMl-NoTtVurMwLl75IPOMqHNkMm each a size of 30 cm. The wings are 180 mm to 195 mm at the males and 188 mm to 203 mm at the females. The males can reach a weight between 112 and 118 grams. The weight of the females is up to 128 grams. The head and the nape of the males is rufous grey with dark streaks. A dark moustachial streak running from the basis of the bill backwards to sides of the throat. The upperparts and the wingcoverts are chestnut with black spots. The uppertail coverts are grey with blackish spots. The long flight feathers are blackish brown, the inner webs are covered with white and chestnut spots. The underparts are whitish. The short flight feathers are chestnut coloured and dark banded. The chest, belly and underwing coverts are covered with black spots. The tail is grey coloured. It has six to seven narrow black bars and a broad subterminal bar. All feathers have white tips. In addition there is a rufous phase. At this morph the head and nape are almost black. Body and underwing coverts are dark chestnut brown with black streaks and spots. The throat exhibits a buffish-white hue. The underwing coverts are greyish white and spotted black. The head of the females is stronger chestnut coloured. The underparts are more spotted and the tail is brown with black bars. Both sexes exhibits a slate grey bill with a black tip. The cere is yellow. The legs are either yellow or bright orange (rufous morph). The juveniles are similar coloured as the females. Aldabra kestrel The Aldabra kestrel looks similar to the Malagasy kestrel but it is slightly smaller. The wings are 170 mm to 183 mm at the males and 177 mm to 186 mm at the females. Some females exhibit entirely white underpa
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