Ticket #4457 (new)
Opened 3 months ago
Simple âhabitâ restores knee joints (In 30 days)
Reported by: | "Spraying WD-40" <YourKnees@…> | Owned by: | |
Priority: | normal | Milestone: | 2.11 |
Component: | none | Version: | 3.8.0 |
Severity: | medium | Keywords: | |
Cc: | Language: | ||
Patch status: | Platform: |
Simple âhabitâ restores knee joints (In 30 days) http://memoomax.us/EuxeiOsx-ec1bx0hy_REZClObiO2MkOHBltTTIeOmANTbfKxAw http://memoomax.us/xSkF34a-OT1t92XVQEK3eYNag7khvu2dBb99__cszJboNI-Q2g ry of a simpleton whose life changes when he becomes the owner of a private bus. Deepak is a simpleton. He has been switching jobs as he does not want to succumb to the corrupt system. Since years, with unwavering efforts, financial hardships and an unshaken faith in the judicial systems, he has been helping his father Omkarnathji in a legal matter. Omkarnathji, the ex-principal of a private school, is fighting a court case against the school to get his due provident fund and pension. He later wins the case and the school is ordered to give a part of its property as compensation, but there is no money in its funds. And thus Deepak's life gets an addition: a bus. Instead of selling it off, acting on his father's advice, he decides to run the bus. While the rest of the family members - two sisters: Chhaya and Aprana and their Ghar Jamai husbands Vinayak Agrawal, a Lawyer and U.U. Upadhyay are against it. They feel it's a low profile job. Their primary interest is in selling off the huge bus and devouring their share of property. But Deepak has immense trust in his father's judgment. Sundar a jolly good sweetheart, who is desperately trying for an American Visa, is also an age old friend. He comes in handy with initial investments and they establish a company, Chal Chala Chal transport. And so begins the ride of their lives. The bu s is in a dilapidated condition and much of money is gone for the repairs. It's a roller-coaster ride where mishaps are more than the commuters. The bus driver, Basantilal wears thick glasses and the conductor Harilal has a sugar factory in his mouth and an eye for cash... adding to it like a cherry on the triple-decker pastry- Sunder's enmity with a rat which has eaten his passport. Corru
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