Ticket #4475 (new)

Opened 3 months ago

WARNING: Do NOT smoke another cigarette (unless

Reported by: "Anti Tar" <AntiTar@…> Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone: 2.11
Component: none Version: 3.8.0
Severity: medium Keywords:
Cc: Language:
Patch status: Platform:


WARNING: Do NOT smoke another cigarette (unless



sant is a guy who gets what he wants, sneakingly. He is friends with Vasant. At an antique shop, Basant and Vasant see an antique duck made of glass. Basant purposely drops to break it because the shopkeeper has reserved it for some one else. One day, Basant sees Priya and is head over heels in love with her. She proceeds to draw a smiley face on the glass frame. Basant tries to run after her but he spots her earring. Meanwhile Vasnat wants to enter a music competition but on the way their car hits a girl on a bike, which is Priya. She is in hospital and requires A1B blood. However Vasant is there (because the people who knocked her over took Vasant's car so he chased them) Vasant has the correct blood type and donates blood to save Priyas life. However this small event leads to the cancellation of the competition. Vasant is unaware the girl Basant boasts about is Priya the girl he knocked over. When Priya wants to contact Vasant to thank him for the blood donation, she unknowingly c
 alls Basant but he doesn't know it is the girl he wants.

The next day, Basant and Vasant along with Satya and Prakash await the call but a music group calls insisting that Vasant must present himself there. Just after Vasant leaves, Priya calls, but says that Vasant must meet her at the Railway Station to Jodhpur. She is wearing a blue cap, has a blue top and is carrying an English novel. A call follows, and there is a problem with the boys so Vasant has to leave. When Basant sees it is the girl he wants, he plays a pretext he is Vasant instead. Basant goes home and finds his friend smoking and thinking about his guru because he is in hospital. One day, Priya calls Basant's (Vasant's) house but his mother picks up the phone. Her stupid sister blatantly says an old woman and the mother thinks they are referring to her, Basant takes the phone and speaks expletives unaware it is Priya. Vasant (the real one) goes for a music job, he has a cassette and meets Uncle ~Shakti Kapoor). He calls Priya to help him out. The plot thickens, when, just be
 fore Vasant goes for the interview Basant tells him to change his name to Ranjini Priya for good luck and he meets Priya. Both are unaw

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