Ticket #5163 (new)
Opened 2 months ago
Imagine All This Delicious ORGANIC Food Was Grown Inside Your Home!
Reported by: | "Indoor Gardening"<TheIndoorGardeningSecret@…> | Owned by: | |
Priority: | normal | Milestone: | 2.11 |
Component: | none | Version: | 3.8.0 |
Severity: | medium | Keywords: | |
Cc: | Language: | ||
Patch status: | Platform: |
Imagine All This Delicious ORGANIC Food Was Grown Inside Your Home! http://primalpowr.co/kT59Xja8f-FAL08JA9CESGWnbKUd2ED5l4UasbvvhQL_0cyCrA http://primalpowr.co/wVDnHJcTS5W11BK0wtceUdqVLvGbN53tx4sZ3avndf_m4aN5Rg eaks up and says they don't know how far Gulshan is connected and they may all die, meaning the only option is to find the treasure, pay off Gulshan and use the rest of the money to live comfortably. Sagar is still hesitant and it is revealed that Sagar has a haunted and shocking past with Lady in Blue. Years ago, Sagar had to abandon his archaeologist father, Aadesh Singh, on the ship, to save his own life. However, after Aarav convinces Sagar that the treasure will save the lives of both Mona and Sam, Sagar finally agrees. The three of them bring the treasure up and find Gulshan sitting on the top of his ship that he and his gang have steered up next to the ship belonging to Sam, Sagar, and Aarav. He tells Sam and Sagar that Aarav hired Gulshan to do all of this. Soon there is a fight between Sagar and Aarav, and Aarav jumps into the ocean after killing Gulshan. Mona, Sam, and Sagar are forced to leave him there, and Sagar agrees never to come back to the Lady in Blue, after losing two people who were close to him there - his father Aadesh and his friend Aarav. Three months later, Sagar gets a call from Aarav. Talking to them, Aarav reveals that he survived his leap into the ocean, and reveals to them that his grandfather was Captain Jagat Malhotra, the traitorous captain of the ship, Lady in Blue, who committed suicide after he was court-martialed. Aarav never admitted to Sagar who his grandfather was because he didn't want to dishonor his family. He explains that only finding the treasure of the Lady in Blue could help bring honor back to his family name, and he befriended Sagar, knowing he was the only one who could take him to the treasure. Throughout the phone call, a woman's arm is seen around Aarav, and later, the woman asks to speak to Sam. It is revealed that the woman is Nikki, whose real name is Nikita Malhotra, and that she is Aarav's wife. She asks Sam to forgive her for deceiving him, but it isn't revealed if Sam said yes or no. However, while Sam answers, there is a smile on Nikki's face. The film ends with Aarav and Nikki cu ddling on one of Aarav's boats as the end credits be
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