Ticket #5478 (new)
Opened 5 weeks ago
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Reported by: | "Joanne Riley" <JoanneRiley@…> | Owned by: | |
Priority: | normal | Milestone: | 2.11 |
Component: | none | Version: | 3.8.0 |
Severity: | medium | Keywords: | |
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Congratulations , You've been nominated http://gummiies.us/OWOm0cPAAUgGlassbM7o8SAWKs4J_jHc24Q-6YEXnW5XQJ2AMQ http://gummiies.us/ViSoY1S866m7plrmM6xZ1t9CZUyS9cJ-Bfg66VcZVs9vSnwZfA lopment. It is often found around buildings, town parks, farmlands and plantations. Jameson's mamba is a highly arboreal snake, more so than its close relatives the eastern green mamba and western green mamba, and significantly more so than the black mamba. Behaviour and ecology Jameson's mamba is a highly agile snake. Like other mambas it is capable of flattening its neck in mimicry of a cobra when it feels threatened, and its body shape and length give an ability to strike at significant range. Generally not aggressive, it will typically attempt to escape if confronted. Breeding In Nigeria males fight each other for access to females (and then breed) over the dry season of December, January and February; mating was recorded in September in the Kakamega Forest in Kenya. Jameson's mamba is oviparous; the female lays a clutch of 5â16 eggs; in Nigeria laying was recorded from April to June, and most likely soon after November in Uganda. Egg clutches have been recovered from abandoned termite colonies. Diet and predators Jameson's mamba has been difficult to study in the field due to its arboreal nature and green coloration. It has not been observed hunting but is thought to use a sit-and-wait strategy, which has been reported for the eastern green mamba. The bulk of its diet is made up of birds and tree-dwelling mammals, such as cisticolas, woodpeckers, doves, squirrels, shrews and mice. Smaller individuals of under 100 cm (40 in) in length have been recorded feeding on lizards such as the common agama, and toads. There is no evidence they have adapted to hunting terrestrial rodents such as rats, though they have been recorded eating rodents in Kenya, and have accepted them in captivity. The main predators of this species are birds of prey, including the martial eagle, bateleur, and the Congo serpent eagle. Other predators may include the honey badger, other snakes, and species of mongoose may also occasionally prey on the Jameson's mam
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