Ticket #5482 (new)
Opened 5 weeks ago
Women: Why You Should STOP Doing Kegels
Reported by: | "Pelvic Floor" <YourInnerVoice@…> | Owned by: | |
Priority: | normal | Milestone: | 2.11 |
Component: | none | Version: | 3.8.0 |
Severity: | medium | Keywords: | |
Cc: | Language: | ||
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Women: Why You Should STOP Doing Kegels http://freshdeal.us/vRamgfbofTZEeAF0tOINZf5InI_XY_7nk4_o9nbrufhLF6rXEw http://freshdeal.us/ctUiwN2KUDnM3pUUptg4B5pIf2osYk4kgWrL_tfcIsqqO0ZD0g land Tiger snake Australia 0.118 mg/kg 0.118 mg/kg 0.014 mg/kg Western Australian Tiger snake Australia 0.124 mg/kg 0.194 mg/kg N/A Beaked sea snake Tropical Indo-Pacific 0.164 mg/kg 0.1125 mg/kg N/A Other factors Common krait (Bungarus caeruleus) Russell's viper (Daboia russelii) Indian cobra (Naja naja) Saw-scaled viper (Echis carinatus) The Big Four snakes responsible for most fatal bites on the Indian Subcontinent The toxicity of snake venom [based on laboratory tests conducted on mice] is sometimes used to gauge the extent of danger to humans, but this is not enough. Many venomous snakes are specialized predators whose venom may be adapted specifically to incapacitate their preferred prey. A number of other factors are also critical in determining the potential hazard of any given venomous snake to humans, including their distribution and behavior. For example, while the Inland Taipan is regarded as the world's most venomous snake based on LD50 tests on mice, it is a shy species and rarely strikes, and has not caused any known human fatalities. On the other hand, India's Big Four (Indian Cobra, common Krait, Russell's viper, and saw-scaled viper), while less venomous than the inland taipan, are found in closer proximity to human settlements and are more confrontational, thus leading to more deaths from snakebite. In addition, some species, such as the black mamba and coastal taipan, occasiona lly show some aggression, generally when alarmed or in self-defence, and then may deliver fatal doses of venom, resulting in high human mortality rates. See also List of venomous animals Poisonous amphibians Snakebite Toxic birds Venomoid Venomous fish Venomous lizards References McCartney, JA; Stevens, NJ; O'Connor, PM (March 20, 2014), "Oldest fossil evid
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