Ticket #556 (closed bug: invalid)

Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

setref on derived pmc aggregate class loses data on return

Reported by: bsdz Owned by: kjs
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: core Version: trunk
Severity: high Keywords:
Cc: Language:
Patch status: Platform: all


When deriving from PMC aggregate, data appears to be lost on return from sub after using setref opcode.

Here is an example code: -

.include 'library/dumper.pir'

.namespace [ 'MyRPA' ]
.sub '__dump' :method
    .param pmc dumper
    .param pmc label
    dumper.'genericArray'(label, self)

.namespace []
.sub '' :main

    $P0 = subclass 'ResizablePMCArray', 'MyRPA'

    $P1 = new 'ResizablePMCArray'
    _dumper($P1, 'RPA after')
    $P2 = new 'MyRPA'
    _dumper($P2, 'MyRPA after') 

.sub 'pass_by_ref'
    .param pmc p
    p[0] = 'hello'
    _dumper(p, 'before setref')
    setref p, p   

The output is as follow: -

"before setref" => ResizablePMCArray (size:1) [
"RPA after" => ResizablePMCArray (size:1) [
"before setref" => PMC 'MyRPA' MyRPA (size:1) [
"MyRPA after" => PMC 'MyRPA' MyRPA (size:1) [

The expected outcome should really be : -

"before setref" => ResizablePMCArray (size:1) [
"RPA after" => ResizablePMCArray (size:1) [
"before setref" => PMC 'MyRPA' MyRPA (size:1) [
"MyRPA after" => PMC 'MyRPA' MyRPA (size:1) [


test.pir Download (0.6 KB) - added by bsdz 13 years ago.
Example pir code demonstrating bug.

Change History

Changed 13 years ago by bsdz

Example pir code demonstrating bug.

Changed 11 years ago by plobsing

  • status changed from new to closed
  • component changed from pirc to core
  • resolution set to invalid

The setref op does not mean pass by reference. Specifically, setref on FixedPMCArray and descendants (including ResizablePMCArray) is an extremely internal-ish operation that users should *not* be using.

The example code now segfaults. The segfault has nothing to do with the return (the _dumper call can be moved to immediately after the setref for the same effect) and everything to do with poking things that shouldn't be poked.

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