Ticket #5751 (new)

Opened 2 weeks ago

Your Living Room with Coverlastic Sofa Cover!

Reported by: "Coverlastic Sofa" <CoverlasticSofa@…> Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone: 2.11
Component: none Version: 3.8.0
Severity: medium Keywords:
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Your Living Room with Coverlastic Sofa Cover!



acteristics can depend on the prevalence of sun, with the green stems occurring more likely in the shade.:?172?

Close-up of a Symphyotrichum lateriflorum stem and branch node showing hairs in vertical lines. The stem and branch have a reddish-brown hue, and leaves are mostly red with some lighter green. There are flower heads distally on the branch.
Close-up of S. lateriflorum stem and branch node
Slender and wiry inflorescence-filled branches grow from the stems at almost a right angle or in long arches. Shorter branches may ascend rather than arch. Stems and branches can be covered with fine soft hair, but sometimes the amount of hair is reduced farther from the base, mid-stem, or as it goes up the stem. The hair usually grows in vertical lines, particularly on the inflorescence branches.

Symphyotrichum lateriflorum has alternate and simple leaves. Characteristics vary among leaves on the same plant and on plants in different environments and areas of the range.:?1102? Leaves occur at the base, on stems, and on inflorescence branches. The farther away from the base the leaves are, the smaller they become, sometimes markedly so. By the time flowers appear, the leaves at the base and stem have often withered or fallen. Leaves have fine, reticulate veins:?1225? and little to no hair except for the key characteristic of hair on the back, or abaxial, midrib.:?177? This abaxial midrib hair can sometimes all but disappear as the plant ages within a season.:?1102?

Hand holding a leaf, showing the hairy vein running down the center of the underside of the leaf and the net-like reticulate veins on the leaf surface
Abaxial leaf on S. lateriflorum plant showing hairy midrib and the net-like reticulate veins on the leaf surface
Basal, or bottom, leaves vary in shape from oblanceolate, lance-ovate, ovate, spatulate, to nearly circular. They are thin and the least lance-shaped, with a short or no leafstalk. Basal leaf sizes vary, measuring about 3–35 millimeters in length by 7–25 mm in width. The surfaces feel slightly rough to the touch, and the edges are wavy or saw-toothed. Leaves may or may not come to a point at the end depending upon their shape.

Several young leaves with coarsely saw-toothed edges
Lance-ovate shaped basal leaves on a juvenile S. lateriflorum plant
Lower and middle stem leaves have no leafstalk, mean

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