Ticket #5901 (new)
Opened 7 days ago
BONUS: $100 KROGER Gift Card Opportunity
Reported by: | "Kroger Gift Opportunity" <KrogerShopperGiftCardChance@…> | Owned by: | |
Priority: | normal | Milestone: | 2.11 |
Component: | none | Version: | 3.8.0 |
Severity: | medium | Keywords: | |
Cc: | Language: | ||
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BONUS: $100 KROGER Gift Card Opportunity http://thyroidation.us/gDvzharRtc-8iV5WMVSlk1TOlnuyWsGaUTHSTK8FmOm0cJs2lQ http://thyroidation.us/k0vaQNfoiOrVeB-nySrJSNlgNU-ycMtGLV5AI-wk7ueDx49c3w now can be compacted to form a snow road and be part of a winter road route for vehicles to access isolated communities or construction projects during the winter. Snow can also be used to provide the supporting structure and surface for a runway, as with the Phoenix Airfield in Antarctica. The snow-compacted runway is designed to withstand approximately 60 wheeled flights of heavy-lift military aircraft a year. ow loads and icings are two principal issues for roofs. Snow loads are related to the climate in which a structure is sited. Icings are usually a result of the building or structure generating heat that melts the snow that is on it. Snow loads â The Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures gives guidance on how to trans Agriculture Satellite view of the Indus River, showing snow in the Himalayas, which feeds it, and agricultural areas in Pakistan that draw on it for irrigation. Snowfall can be beneficial to agriculture by serving as a thermal insulator, conserving the heat of the Earth and protecting crops from subfreezing weather. Some agricultural areas depend on an accumulation of snow during winter that will melt gradually in spring, providing water for crop growth, both directly and via runoff through streams and rivers, which supply irrigation canals. The following are examples of rivers that rely on meltwater from glaciers or seasonal snowpack as an important part of their flow on which irrigation depends: the Ganges, many of whose tributaries rise in the Himalayas and which provide much irrigation in northeast India, the Indus River, which rises in Tibet and provides irrigation water to Pakistan from rapidly retreating Tibetan glaciers, and the Colorado River, which receives much of its water from seasonal snowpack in the Rocky Mountains and provides irrigation water to some 4 million acres (1.6 million hectares). Structures Snow accumulation on building roofs Snow is an important consideration for loads on structures. To address these, European countries employ Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-3: General actions - Snow loads. In North America, ASCE Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures gives guidance on snow loads. Both standards employ methods that translat
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