Ticket #620 (closed roadmap: wontfix)

Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

optimization language (past-level)

Reported by: allison Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone: 3.0
Component: core Version:
Severity: medium Keywords:
Cc: whiteknight, dukeleto, cotto Language:
Patch status: Platform:


Create a lightweight language for specifying PAST (or bytecode) optimizations. This may also include extensions to PCT to make it easy to add optimization stages between the standard stages.

Change History

Changed 11 years ago by jkeenan

  • cc whiteknight, dukeleto, cotto added
  • component changed from none to core

Do we want to do this?

Thank you very much.


Changed 11 years ago by whiteknight

  • status changed from new to closed
  • resolution set to wontfix

I'm going to say "no". There are tools in existence to optimize PAST. A simple declarative language to write optimizations would be nice but would likely be provided by an external tool such as tree-optimizations or something similar.

I'm going to close this ticket. A "nice to have, but will probably be implemented outside core Parrot" kind of request is something that could appear in a blog or on the wiki, but does not need a ticket to track it.

Changed 11 years ago by cotto

Thanks, whiteknight. I heartily agree and am glad to see some of these long-term wishlist tickets go away.

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