
and .


20:21 GCTasklist edited by allison
19:39 GCTasklist edited by allison
18:08 WikiStart edited by allison
17:03 ModParrotHLLDocs edited by jhorwitz
17:02 ModParrotHLLDocs edited by jhorwitz
16:36 ModParrotHLLDocs edited by jhorwitz
14:50 Ticket #101 ([test] add parrot_utils tests) created by rurban
This ticket adds tests for the remaining parrot_utils: pbc_disassemble …
14:45 Ticket #100 (Implement :slurpy and other PCC flags) created by kjs
PIRC emits correct bytecode for calling functions, but none of the special …
14:35 Ticket #99 (Implement :immediate and other sub flags that involve running subs) created by kjs
PIRC emits bytecode for subs, but :load, :init, :immediate, :postcomp …
14:33 Ticket #98 (Emit bytecode for keys) created by kjs
PIRC can't currently emit bytecode for keys and namespaces (which are just …
12:50 Ticket #97 (test installable config) created by rurban
Current tests do not test the installables, esp. if the prefix is …


19:14 Ticket #58 (improve management of intermediate file in heredoc preprocessor) closed by kjs
fixed: when heredoc-only is requested, output goes to stdout, unless -o option is …
17:18 Ticket #96 ([install] make -C languages reallyall) created by rurban
provide a target to do "make all" for all languages "make build" is the …


19:08 PGEBestPractices edited by tewk
16:10 Ticket #95 ([patch]clean cages and reorder codes) created by jimmy
this patch cleans cages and reorders codes
13:14 Ticket #94 ([TODO] add pod2man) created by rurban
make install-docs needs pod2man. Analog to perldoc we check for the path …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.